I'm disgusted by YOU

by skeeter1 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    You attention whore skeeter, you, LOL!

    I'm limited as to what I can do on the Irish case having never been a JW, but I will do what I can.

    I hear you. It's frustrating when the people who do have the means to bring an influence on decisions seem to write them off as 'not my problem', 'one voice in millions, never be heard' 'whats the point' 'waste of time' 'someone else can do it' etc etc. It seems the world is filled with such apathy - maybe we are being mass fluoridated ready for the new world order!

    I'm not tarring anyone here at all - so if anyone reacts to my comment, perhaps they need to ask themselves why.


  • Warlock


    I don't care.

    It's not my obligation to try to 'bring down' the Org. any more than the Catholic Church.

    Grow up and get on with YOUR life.


  • Rabbit

    As someone whose JW mother did die, because of the WT's blood policy, just like Skeeter's mom...I absolutely understand any hate that wells up inside her. I understand her anger when ex-JW's don't seem to 'hate' this shitty, ignorant blood issue -- as much as we do. And, I am not saying all of don't hate it, it's just it gets much, MUCH more personal when someone carries that particular pain around.

    Having said that -- there are PLENTY of ex-JW issues, right ? Not all of those affect me like they will another. For instance, so far, I'm not DF/DA which affords me some access to some of my JW relatives. I hate the fact the WT still has a measure of influence & control over my actions & my mouth, but, if I push it too far...I'll lose that access. I'll lose those few opportunities to plant anti-WT seeds, to regain lost ground with my children and to refute, by my obviously much happier life -- that leaving the JW's is a bad thing. I am seeing progress.

    Other ex-JW's have TOTAL shunning or have experienced Child Abuse. Others have lost close friends or relatives to JW guilt suicide (Me) or failed marriages because they question or no longer believed the JW Lie. Me, too)

    Skeeter, I think you took the wrong approach to 'ruffle feathers', "honey works better than vinegar''?

    I have written 'letters to the editor', about the blood issue, but, had to be anonymous. Many politicians & newspapers won't accept letters if you don't give them your name. So, right now, I can't ID myself out of concern the WT will look me up -- and I'll lose what is most important to me -- access to my JW children.

    I may have missed it -- did any of the people with hurt feelings feathers notice that her mother died? Anybody try and understand that? If ya' did...I think it would be a little easier to understand where she's coming from, even if you disagree with the method.

  • rebel8

    skeeter, check my old posts about getting organized and using proven advocacy techniques to make a difference.

  • PrimateDave

    Honestly, I'm not sure I have an opinion one way or the other on the so-called blood issue at this time. Perhaps, if Jehovah's Witnesses rejected all forms of medical treatment on religious grounds, then I would have pause for concern. The fact of the matter is that alternative medical treatment is still medical treatment that respects the wishes of the patient. If qualified doctors can be found to administer said treatments, then who is anyone else to say what should be done?


  • rebel8

    I also tried to compile a group of stories about the blood issue, which I would edit and publish for free (or for a small amount to be donated to AJWRB). I never got enough stories to fill a book--I believe I just had mine, danny haszard's, and one other person's (maybe Rabbit's, I don't remember).

    I would probably need a total of 10 stories. They would need to be written and sent to me; I don't have time to write them.

    IMO that would be one great way to make a real difference--educating the public and leaving a legacy of knowledge.

  • skeeter1

    Well, I guess Obama's also herding cats. The UN (Russia & China) didn't take his advice to take actions against Korea...

    Rabbit, I understand about the need for remaining anonymous and newspapers not wanting to publish stuff from an unknown author. Yes, not everyone is in a position to write a letter.

    It was just rather frustrating to see apathy on a central problem within the JW religion.

    Regarding fractions and such. I find it better if the Watchtower didn't accept any blood. Accepting all of these fractions and current therapy makes their position hypocritical. Bloodless and blood conservation are great when they work, but they are not fool-proof guarantee. I remember a news story about University of FLorida's medical hospital. The study reported this hospital had a much higher rate of death for open heart surgeries. The doctors were quick to point out that they were one of the few hospitals in Florida to do bloodless open heart surgery on JWs. If you tie the surgeon's hands, you get what you get. No blood is risky. LIke trying to stop a car with a parachute instead of brakes. Depends on which way the wind is blowing whether the car is safe.

    Ireland is on socialized medicine. So, they have to wisely allocate their health care dollars.

  • LouBelle

    We're doing our bit in South Africa - trying to get a TV station involved in exposing the pedophile and blood aspects - we're writing letters and emailing them....but they've got to also want to see it as news worthy - some don't give a rats' ass about the JWs *shrug*

    We didn't put it up here as there are so few of us South Africans on here.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Instead of writing letters you might have more success if you drew up a petition and asked people to sign it.

  • skeeter1

    Great idea Lady Lee. It would have to be a web signing, as it would be logistically impossible to send around a petition sheet to ex-JWs who are spread all over the world. I don't know how to do a web signing, any help?

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