As someone whose JW mother did die, because of the WT's blood policy, just like Skeeter's mom...I absolutely understand any hate that wells up inside her. I understand her anger when ex-JW's don't seem to 'hate' this shitty, ignorant blood issue -- as much as we do. And, I am not saying all of don't hate it, it's just it gets much, MUCH more personal when someone carries that particular pain around.
Having said that -- there are PLENTY of ex-JW issues, right ? Not all of those affect me like they will another. For instance, so far, I'm not DF/DA which affords me some access to some of my JW relatives. I hate the fact the WT still has a measure of influence & control over my actions & my mouth, but, if I push it too far...I'll lose that access. I'll lose those few opportunities to plant anti-WT seeds, to regain lost ground with my children and to refute, by my obviously much happier life -- that leaving the JW's is a bad thing. I am seeing progress.
Other ex-JW's have TOTAL shunning or have experienced Child Abuse. Others have lost close friends or relatives to JW guilt suicide (Me) or failed marriages because they question or no longer believed the JW Lie. Me, too)
Skeeter, I think you took the wrong approach to 'ruffle feathers', "honey works better than vinegar''?
I have written 'letters to the editor', about the blood issue, but, had to be anonymous. Many politicians & newspapers won't accept letters if you don't give them your name. So, right now, I can't ID myself out of concern the WT will look me up -- and I'll lose what is most important to me -- access to my JW children.
I may have missed it -- did any of the people with hurt feelings feathers notice that her mother died? Anybody try and understand that? If ya' did...I think it would be a little easier to understand where she's coming from, even if you disagree with the method.