well I went to Google and typed in online petitions and got more than 6 million hits.
Try the first http://www.petitiononline.com/
by skeeter1 64 Replies latest jw friends
well I went to Google and typed in online petitions and got more than 6 million hits.
Try the first http://www.petitiononline.com/
Skeeter1, I applaud you for your efforts and agree with your concerns. If you do nothing what happens---nothing. When I was still an active Witness back in the 60s I remember when we were told to write letters to the officials in the government of Malawi about the treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses. We were all given several names and addresses of who to write to. Whenever the Watchtower org. is having problems of this nature, they are the first to speak up to try to get attention, even appealing to the United Nations for help. But whenever they are being questioned about their tactics they get out their legal goons to help them out. This is only one reason why we will be at the local Kingdom Hall on April 9 to have another peaceful protest with several people holding up signs to warn those attending their Memorial about some of the things the Watchtower org. is hiding behind. Over 23,000 pedophiles in the org., Rick Mclean on the F.B.I.'s most wanted criminals list, Former Bethel Elder Jesus Cano arrested for taking pictures of little boys in a men's bathroom in Chicago, Watchtower's involvement as an n.g.o. of the United Nations for over ten years, Johannes Greber's Bible written under the influence of demons used for some of the scriptures in the N.W.T. and the list goes on. The Watchtower org. needs to be exposed for what they really are, a dangerous and destructive cult! Keep up the good work Skeeter1 and don't let the naysayers discourage you for your efforts.
Keep up the good work Skeeter1 and don't let the naysayers discourage you for your efforts.
I don't think anyone is trying to discourage her. They were just reacting to the harsh way she addressed anyone who prefers to handle their exit from the org differently. When you tell people you are "disgusted" by them, they're going to react negatively. People can be funny that way. Frankly, I found it rather counter-productive.
When you tell people you are "disgusted" by them, they're going to react negatively. People can be funny that way.
Funny indeed. People would be smart to learn to not react to hysteria with hysteria. That hysterical person might just be telling you the truth about something you need to know. And if not, no harm comes from a relative stranger on the internet possibly including you in a negative judgement based on an emotional moment, right?
I know I slept fine last night.
And if not, no harm comes from a relative stranger on the internet possibly including you in a negative judgement based on an emotional moment, right?
Harm, no. No good that I can think of, either. Certainly not the objective that was intended.
I guess the others just don't give a flip. They don't want to save lives.
Have you contributed to the efforts of Silent Lambs?
Have you considered that posters may have written letters without feeling the need to tell you all about it?
Have you considered the many threads written by exiting dubs about how helpful, even lifesaving, this forum has been to them?
Have you considered that many posters simply did not see your post?
Have you considered any of this before writing your half-cocked, self-righteous post?
Have you contributed to the efforts of Silent Lambs?
Yes, I write letters and commentary to editors of newspapers. Monitarily no. I can't due to ethics. It makes it harder for me to give professional adivce if they ever needed it in the future. I also help out ajwrb and organize stuff behind the scenes.
Have you considered that posters may have written letters without feeling the need to tell you all about it?
Yes, alot of posters are very good at writing letters. That's what I'm trying to get them to do...
Have you considered the many threads written by exiting dubs about how helpful, even lifesaving, this forum has been to them?
Yes, this forum does alot of therapuetic good to those in need. But, why can't it also be a rally tool?
Have you considered that many posters simply did not see your post?
Yes, over 250 had read the post but didn't comment on it either way. Silence is deafening and indicates apathy.
Have you considered any of this before writing your half-cocked, self-righteous post?
Yes, and I got alot more to look at the original post. Before, it was being burried to the back pages quicker than a bulldog devouring a porkchop...it was sentanced to the back pages o jwd. Parakeet, I ruffled feathers and wrote in an inflamatory style on purpose. It feels like only fluff and sex get attention around here. Perphas I should have made a remark about lepricons and Guiness beer to get more attention? lol.
"I remember when we were told to write letters to the officials in the government of Malawi about the treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses. We were all given several names and addresses of who to write to. Whenever the Watchtower org. is having problems of this nature, they are the first to speak up to try to get attention, even appealing to the United Nations for help. But whenever they are being questioned about their tactics they get out their legal goons to help them out."
EXACTLY my point. The JWs are lobbying the Irish government right now, ya think? If we do nothing, there will be no results. If we do something, we, at least, tried. I can sleep good if I tried. I can't sleep good if I don't try.
The WTB&TS is your windmill Mr. Quixote.
Black sheep makes a good point here when he says "I get the feeling that Skeeter wants me to get involved in legislation the takes away the rights of JWs." Even if we personally believe that the JWs are dead wrong in their beliefs about blood, it is just as wrong for the government to take away their right to refuse blood as it would be for them to refuse a potentially life-saving surgery or medication. In our zeal to save others from making what we believe to be erroneous choices, we run the risk of trampling on the very rights we say we hold dear. Just something to think about.