I'm disgusted by YOU

by skeeter1 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    I take back my DEET comment. Come here Skeeter you little sweetie! Give us a hug!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    If you (or someone) would like to write a letter on that topic, it would be great.

    A letter about how there are people in this world who willingly surrender their freedom of conscience? I'll get started on that right away.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Keyser! Are you looking over my shoulder?!

    Somebody has to, beks.

  • beksbks

    I know!

  • SixofNine
    Are JWs informed on blood? Do they understand fractions and that it totals a whole unit of blood if added together?"
    Would it matter if they did?

    I think it would matter to many of them. If nothing else it would give them pause when confronted with the issue by other people. It's silly, this fraction thing, and yet this silliness, this bad joke.... is actually killing people. And the fraction think is one of just several stupid, silly arguments that make up the JW doctrine.

    When I was a Witness I certainly thought the blood issue had logic behind it. And in fact, the day I realized it didn't, I told another witness "I'll probably always believe 95% of the things you believe, but we are wrong on blood, it's not excusable, it kills people, and I'll never call myself a Jehovah's Witness again".

  • beksbks

    I guess you best get to writin' then eh Six?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I think it would matter to many of them.

    It may matter to them, but ultimately the majority of witnesses do as they're told, whether they see the logic in it or not. That's why it's called brainwashing, six.

  • mkr32208

    Chill out, most of us here are in the process of moving ON with our lives we don't CARE about the Watchtower anymore really. You want to embrace your hate good for you but don't push it on ME.

  • avishai

    I've done alot to change stuff, both JW stuff and helping emotionally disturbed kids, etc. I just don't go around crowing @ the top of my lungs about it. So you can take your "Others don't give a flip" and shove it.

    Other than that, I dig ya skeeter, and take it too 'em, I'm proud of ya.

  • SixofNine
    It may matter to them, but ultimately the majority of witnesses do as they're told, whether they see the logic in it or not. That's why it's called brainwashing, six.

    I figure that it's called "brainwashing" because of just this sort of reversal-of-logic. If witnesses see their logic as failing, their brainwashing will lose at least some of it's effect.

    I don't think Skeeter is suggesting that entire congregations will turn in their DA letters just because of this.

    I guess you best get to writin' then eh Six?

    That would be a good thing for me to do.


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