So no 17 year old should be able to go to the ballgame if they aren't at home by 11? C'mon, that's dumb.
Should Towns Have The Right To Curfew Teens From 11p.m. to 5a.m.?
by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends
Curfews are just the first step towards the totalitarian world goverment.
So no 17 year old should be able to go to the ballgame if they aren't at home by 11? C'mon, that's dumb.
Why are you focusing on 17 year olds? You asked the question, "Should Towns Have The Right To Curfew Teens From 11p.m. to 5a.m.?" And now you're being insulting because I didn't answer the way you wanted. You asked my opinion and now you tell me I'm dumb. You cannot have it both ways, ya rude bastard.
18 is the age of majority in most states. Some states say 17. If there is a law that says teenagers under the age of 18 are to be home between 11pm and 5 am, there should be no ifs or maybes. Let them get a ticket and let their parents hire an attorney. A law is a law, and not merely a suggestion.
I never said YOU were dumb. Read what I said. "That's dumb". Unless you are that.....
And I say that some laws are dumb laws even if "a law is a law, aand not merely a suggestion"....signed "da rude bastard".
And I say that some laws are dumb laws even if "a law is a law, aand not merely a suggestion"....signed "da rude bastard".
You are not a judge and so cannot pick and choose. You are a mere citizen and must comply or, if caught disregarding the "dumb laws," hire an attorney to save your rude rear end.
That still doesn't take away from the fact that some laws are dumb. I certainly can say that and not even be a judge. I never suggested I'd disregard it either. As a mere citizen, I can voice my opposing view. That's how dumb laws get changed Rodbar.
As a mere citizen, I can voice my opposing view. That's how dumb laws get changed Rodbar.
That's dumb. It takes more than voicing your opinion to change a dumb law.
And it's Robdar. Notice the B, followed by the D. RoBdar. But you knew that, ya rude bastaard.
Yes, it takes lobbying and $$$.
And of course I knew it was Robdar but I love you so much I just couldn't help it.
It pisses me off that my daughter has to be drug tested to run track and play basketball. The kids that are into sports aren't the stoners!
C'mon! Don't be naive. And professional atheletes don't do drugs either, right?
My brother-in-law was on the high school football team and says most of the players smoked pot. And there's also the possibility of steroid use. There were a lot of high school football players at the gym I used to go to that were juicing it.
Normally the liberal side of me would be against such laws. Let the person be punished when they do something wrong instead of profiling them to do something wrong and punishing them beforehand.
But I can agree with curfews somewhat. I was once a kid. I hung around with kids. I know kids and parents of kids who tell me what the kids do.
Teenage years are times kids haven't figured it all out yet. They want to try sex. Some want to try drugs. Some want to race their cars fast. They want to fit in with a group that their family isn't part of. They want to impress the opposite sex. They are in competition with each other. Under the cover of darkness, a lot of things can go on. And they aren't all responsible. In fact, I would bet the majority of them that would be out between 11pm and 5am would be the ones that are the least responsible.
Kids on their own after 11pm are probably trying to do all the things their parents wont let them. Yes, that's profiling but I was a teen once and I know how kids are. Not much is going on after 11pm in most cities. Most restaurants, stores, and other things to do are closed. Movies and late night food places are your choices. Or just finding secluded places.
If it's a school night, what responsible kid would be out past 11pm? And in a lot of cases, they could arrange to have an adult with them. Take their dad to the ballgame too.
Kids don't automatically have rights as other posters pointed out. They can't vote, they can't drink, they can't buy/rent adult movies, be drafted, etc. So curfews seem legal enough.