I have to admit that I watched this one develop and I too, like many others, have noticed a certain recurring trend when a thread becomes challenging and provoking on a personal level.
Basically, there are still "active" skeletons luriking in among the closets of certain members in this forum. When the occasion presents itself, and the iron is "hot", they strike for past and present. In an effort to bring someone down a few notches and put people in their place, the words begin dropping like bombs with each one hoping to land a "daisy cutter" right on target and do damage.
Then, once the digital hostilities have begun, in come the "cheeleaders" and sports fans each endorsing and defending their favorite "warrior" as he/she battles in cyberspace. It is very comical and cliquish, like american high school.
The fact is that everyone alive, no matter how much or how little education or experience they may possess, has something to contribute. Everyone has either a job or a hobby or an interest or something for which they carry a fair amount of working knowledge and ability. Even a janitor posting here could probably go on and on about cleaning techniques, cleaning experiences, etc.
In other words, at any time, anyone could appear as an expert in this forum, if they are posting from their strengths, despite education. A lawyer posting here could easily take liberties with those unfamiliar with the law, and then become a member of the "elite". Right? Sound familiar? Those of us in information technology could do the same, and those of us in the medical field and so on and so forth..
The point is not to feel provoked unless a personal attack is launched. There are no elitists, or illuminati, or regis comitatum. Let me tell you, face to face, if we were all up front, close together and personal, most of this inferiority complex and insecurity would eliminate itself almost immediately. Once you examine people's body language, physical features, appearance and gestures, your opinions tend to change and vacillate anyway.
Basically, everybody grow up. Nobody knows everything about anything, no matter how much education or how much experience or how long they have been alive. Compared to the planet itself or the universe, we are nothing. There is always someone smarter, faster, better-looking, etc.. GET OVER IT!