Are we equal...?

by DannyBear 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    Simon, you're a programmer, for God's sake. You of all people have to deal every day with the reality of "garbage in, garbage out". DannyBear is inputting garbage, and so garbage is coming out. The garbage is the insinuation that I and certain others have made 'elitist' remarks about our work. You obviously agree with the garbage input. I asked you to provide facts to back up why you agree. Where are they? With no facts, you cannot logically agree with these people, can you?

    Now I'll comment on your latest post to me:

    : DannyBear said:

    :: Here on for any poster to even suggest that certain 'worthy', or 'accomplished ', tenured participants deserve special consideration, is restricting and trampling on other's free will and spirit. For an author to ascribe his works, as worthy of such recognition, is pure absurdity. Common sense, not to mention the vast diversity in thinking, should assure any writer, that not everyone will agree with his/her conclusion's on any given matter.

    :: There is also an attitude displayed by those who have adopted this course of 'power' and 'control', they believe that because they offer an answer or explanation for their particular stance, that anyone who does not accept their answer, as gospel, as the end of the matter, is thick, or unable to reason. Again the heighth of arrogance and conceit.

    : Perfectly sensible to me.

    In a general sense, the first paragraph is perfectly sensible. It's the insinuations that are ridiculous, and are lies. The insinuations are expanded upon in the second paragraph, which asserts that such horn-tooting people exist on this board. Because DannyBear and other great thinkers on this board have named names, we all know perfectly well who he is talking about. Do you not know who he is talking about, Simon? Of course you do!

    Now, has DannyBear or you or anyone else come up with a single example of anyone on this board doing what the insinuations claim? No. So the claim is without foundation. And you will not find examples of anyone besides, perhaps, the self-proclaimed "Messiahs" doing so. So the insinuations are lies.

    : AlanF said:

    :: A chain of reasoning dies if its main premise is false. Your post, DannyBear, is largely wrongheaded because your main premise is false ...

    :: Your premise is false because no one I am aware of has suggested that anyone deserves special consideration, nor am I aware of anyone who has described his own works as worthy of special recognition.

    : I'm not sure I understand ... is this basically agreeing that no one should assume their posts are more important (and that no one has) or saying that no one has (with the unspoken assumption that they are better even if they are not claimed to be)

    I can't quite parse your sentence, but the point of what I said is that no one I know of has said that others deserve special consideration and no one I am aware of has claimed that his own posts are worthy of special recognition. Again, Simon, if you don't agree, please provide counterexamples.

    : One is agreeing with DannyBear and one isn't.

    I agree with DannyBear's general statement but have proved that his application is a lie.

    : Could you put it clearly and plainly: Do you think some peoples posts and / or some posters are better or more important than others?

    Absolutely -- in a certain sense which I have taken some pains to explain. Let me try again, using some examples.

    Hawkaw has done a great service by tirelessly researching the U.N. matter. I think that everyone on this board except for the JW defenders will agree. He presents his results in posts. His posts are competent and effective, and therefore important to the cause of exposing the Watchtower. I think that most people will therefore agree that Hawkaw's posts are very good.

    Now think about Fredhall's posts. Do they accomplish anything useful? No. They only pick at, in a thoroughly infantile manner, the posts of others who post substantive material. They never contain reasoning; they contain only small-minded potshots.

    So, Simon, do you consider Hawkaw's posts better than Fredhall's posts? Why or why not?

    Now let's look at the personalities behind the posts. What do the posts say about the posters themselves?

    Hawkaw was never even a JW, so why should he be interested? Don't you think that there is a component of selflessness, of goodness in the man because of his work? What about all the work he puts in his research? Don't you think that he could be doing more fun stuff? Don't you think this shows that Hawkaw is a pretty decent human being? What is your personal opinion of Hawkaw, Simon?

    Now what about Fredhall as a person? Can a person who only takes nasty, infantile potshots at others be anything but the sort of person you would not want to associate with? Or be other than an inferior sort of human being? What is your personal opinion of Fredhall, Simon?

    So, Simon, do you consider Hawkaw as a person to be better than Fredhall as a person? Why or why not?

    Now let's go beyond the small confines of this board.

    We could just as well substitute the words "write" and "writer" for "post" and "poster". Do you think that some writers are better than others? Why or why not?

    If you think that some writers are better than others, do you interpret that to mean that some writers write better than others? Or that some writers are better human beings than others? Be careful, because this applies to use of "post" and "poster" on this board.

    Now what about specific writers? Do you think that Ray Franz is a better writer than most Watchtower writers? Why or why not? I'm sure you do, and I'm also certain you consider him to be a better human being than, say, the Watchtower leaders who conspired to bring false charges against him and disfellowship him. Am I right, Simon? Of course I am.

    So, Simon, if you can understand what I'm getting at here, then you should also be able to understand my irritation when morons like DannyBear tell lies about me and my friends.

    : Because AlanF claims:

    :: I think you get my point, DannyBear. But you're too proud to admit that it blows your 'theory' out of the water.

    : I assume you are not agreeing with DannyBear and so are saying that people haven't claimed it but they are better.

    I think you've entirely missed the point of our little exchange, Simon, even though DannyBear himself seems to have understood what I said. I was replying to DannyBear's statement, "If what I said was of worthless content, a lie, why did it arouse your ire?" with a rather clear counterexample. A nasty lie will often arouse someone's ire. DannyBear's lying insinuation was that I was irked because his insinuation was true, but I'm irked because the insinuation is false.

    : Also, AlanF said:

    :: DannyBear, I just found out that you spent five years in jail for child molestation. I'm going to spread that all around the Net and I'm going to hound you until you admit it.

    : If this is the level of your 'argument' or proof of any superior intellect then I have news for you - people will probably think you are a grade A idiot as this sort of crap just makes you look stupid.

    Only those who don't understand the point will think it makes me look stupid. Since even DannyBear got the point, I don't understand why someone as intelligent as you did not.

    Let's look at shortened version of the unadulterated, de-insinuated content of this exchange:

    DB: AlanF and others toot their own horns.
    AF: That's a lie.
    DB: If it's a lie, why are you mad?
    AF: Here, I'll show you: You're a child molester.
    DB: Ok, I see.

    Get it now, Simon?

    So if you disagree with my above comments, all you have to do is give examples that prove that DannyBear's and others insinuations are right. Unless you do, you'll have to agree that they remain insinuations, and false accusations.

    As for calling morons morons, that's no different in my book from calling hamsters hamsters and criminals criminals. I think you'll agree with these little maxims: "You are what you are because of your actions." "If you don't like the label, don't wear the clothes."


  • Xena

    Seeker I give up. It appears that some will support the verbal abuse of others because of a misguided loyality they have....hey it's thier decision....just don't expect the rest of us to go along with it..oh hey that's probably a cue for someone to call me a retard..

    wack..yes that makes it much clearer now...

  • AlanF

    Xena, I agree with your comments.

    The problem here (see my above post to Simon) as I see it is that a small number of nasty posters are making dark insinuations, without any justification they can point to, about a few other posters, which are then being accepted as gospel by a few morons who jump blindly on the bandwagon. When the falsely accused posters rightly object, and object using strong language, the false accusers hypocritically cry "Foul!" As I told you the other day, if you can't take the heat, don't be in the kitchen. And if you tell lies about others, expect to be called on it.


  • Seeker


    Seeker I give up. It appears that some will support the verbal abuse of others because of a misguided loyality they have....hey it's thier decision....just don't expect the rest of us to go along with it..oh hey that's probably a cue for someone to call me a retard..
    That isnt' what I said, though. I specifically, and repeatedly, said I don't appreciate "verbal abuse" from anyone, regardless of the source. And you are not a "retard," and don't deserve to be called one. You'll never hear me say that.

    All I am saying is that if poster A wants to use verbal abuse, and poster B does not, I doubt either one of them is going to convince the other to change. Endless arguments about style won't produce results, in my opinion. Been there, done that.

    My "loyalty" is toward the work these folks have done over the years. I truly appreciate what they have done, and I say so. If I don't care for their style at times, that is an entirely different issue. And if you totally disagree with me, it wouldn't make you a retard. And for what it's worth, I basically agreed with your earlier message to me. Evidently my style of writing didn't make it clear enough, and is yet another example of what I am talking about.

  • DannyBear


    I think you misunderstood my comments. I agree that anyone like Alan, who donated their time and resources, to research and quality commentary on Jw doctrine and cultish practices, should be applauded. Just like Ray Franz, Carl O, Randy, Kent (god that was hard), and untold hundred's and hundred's of other's.

    Where we differ, is in the perception that these contributions are worthy of more attention, more recognition, than some of the other's.
    I don't think so.

    A one paragraph of heartrending personal experience, by some not so exposed poster anywhere on the internet, could be responsible for more exodus from the tower, than the 'best' well crafted, immaculately documented and researched treatise. In fact I wager to say, knowing the mentality and reading backgrounds of a typical jw, they would be at a loss to grasp, some of this deep commentary, touted as the finest of finest.

    I think the biggest horn blower's about these masterful works, are the author's and their supporter's. That's ok to. They apparently needed that kind of written expose, to affirm thier decision's to leave.

    But to suggest that anyone who participates by relating a personal experience, or on a lesser degree, than an another is better, is more worthy of recognition, and due special consideration. Even to the point of ignoring his/her uncivilized conduct, is simply not easy for me to accept.

    I suppose that is why I have never been much, for heaping to much praise on anyone's work, in exposing the WTBS. It is a nobel work, anyone who participates helps in the cause, no matter how little or much. As far as measuring the results, nobody can do so with any certainty. Tens of thousands left the org, and came to a realization of its man-made history, long before Franz, et al ever came on the scene, including myself.


  • Seeker

    That's OK, Danny. We can disagree on that point. I think the greater exposure does more good. The one paragraph heartfelt expression is worth as much as any other post, but if it gets lots in the aether, it won't be seen by that many people over time, and therefore it won't have as big an impact. That's my opinion, and yours is different, and that's fine.

  • bigboi

    So I guess when a poater calls a nother poster an idiot or a moron because they disagree with something they said is not tooting their own horn? When another post compares the musings of his friends in comparison to other posters and makes a judgement totally in favor of his friends 100% of the time, then their not tooting their own horns

    Well, ok if you say so.



    "it's like the one thing we all have in common is that we
    got played by a cult and a bunch of old men and no matter what it will
    always be a part of us no matter how much we distance ourselves from it"
    ~ Ghostquote

  • DannyBear

    ps. ...not to mention the fact that the exodus from the Wt, or any purported reform, change in it, cannot be tied exclusively to the internet world. Even in this country with all it's personal wealth, cannot claim a pc in every household...let alone in the household's of practicing jw's and those on verge of exodus.

  • Farkel


    : Here on for any poster to even suggest that certain 'worthy', or 'accomplished ', tenured participants deserve special consideration, is restricting and trampling on other's free will and spirit. For an author to ascribe his works, as worthy of such recognition, is pure absurdity.

    This, of course, is a pure hypothetical conjecture. I'm laughing that others are and will consider it to be FACT and then comment as if it were.

    If you can show just ONE example where ANY "tenured participant" stated or implied that s/he "deserved special consideration", I will retract my comment that it is a hypotheical conjecture. I made my statement because I've never seen it happen.

    It is also a fact of life that some people are "more equal" than others. I don't like it any more than you do, but I don't deny that it is a fact of life. Humans after all, are not a very advanced species.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • tyydyy


    You ask for proof again? How many times do you have to be shown?

    I have, at least twice, quoted your remark about stupid people biting the hand that feeds them. You chose to call me names instead of defending this fact. I'm getting tired of going back to find those words of yours that show your elitist attitude. It should be proof enough that you resort to name calling when someone disagrees with you instead of using logical reasoning.

    However, supporting dogs who bite the hands that feed them is stupid.
    Have any of you mental giants actually accomplished anything besides patting heads?
    Edited to include quote


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