I've been on these bulletin boards since the days of CPM and the Apple // and it never ceases to amaze me when I read the words of people who would never think to speak the same in a face to face meeting. The internet seems to create a sort of "it's ok to be rude" zone since no one can see me.
I don't care if you're the head professor at some internationally renowned university there is NEVER an excuse for calling names and speaking rudely to either a fellow peer or a student. Now, that doesn't mean I haven't done so. I've called people assholes or worse. But I always regret it and appologize once I have come to my senses. This is all to say we are only human and bound to get our knickers in a buch once in awhile.
Having read this thread and a few of the others I have to say that I understand Dan's comments and fairly agree with them. It may be that he was being a little too sensitive and took exception to Alan's way of expressing himself. I think he had every right to air his concern and that the response to it, at least at the beginning, was overblown. Now, everyone seems to have made up. That's fine. Still, Alan, you were being a real ass and you DID come off as sounding all 'elite'. Your name calling can have no other effect. I'm glad you finally allowed yourself to come down from your high position and appologize.
I have been on both sides of this type of thing, like Seeker, only I do not post as often in the scholarly arena. I have no problem keeping up with the likes of Alan or anyone else who does the research. I am not interested in impressing anyone with my intellect, although, at one time I did think that way. I have written some very interesting and thought provoking papers but I do not care that it is not well known. I would much rather hang out with z-balls and his ilk because they understand that to laugh is just as important as to understand. Intellect and knowledge are way over-rated. They can be fun and even adictive, but, nevertheless, only a small part of real life.
Do I appreciate the expose's written about the error of WTS doctrine and unholy acts. Sure. But, frankly, I have left all that behind and it has very little meaning in my life anymore. That chapter is over and we are on to other things, like learning how to laugh or really getting to know people who have a completely different idea about life than do I. I prefer the lighter side of this board and am not happy to see the intellectual folks here trivialize what this means to so many people by labelling it 'fluff'.
Now, please just read this and think about whether it's necessary to comment on my insinuations about 'intellectuals'. Having been an intellectual I know how important it is to have people respect your ability and your grasp of the abstract. But, believe me, if you don't learn to treat people with simple kindness rather than calling everyone who fails to see what you think simple a moron or jackass, you will never grow to be accepted by your community. If you continue to be abrasive you should not be surprised when your fellows object and lash out at you, even if they are unable to articulate their anger with eloquent words.
As to 'proof', that's all a smoke screen. When you lash out with insufferable name calling and superior attitude you have provided all the proof needed.
I have a little sign on my book case that says something like "Silence is the Only Successful Substitute for Brains". There is another saying that goes something like "It is better to keep silent and let others think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." These ideas have served me well as I have grown older and I think they could serve others here just as well.
These flame wars are not without merit. Invariabley, those who have participated and said things they regret learn to adjust. Those who don't adjust are just ignored. So, I can't agree with the sentiments of those here who have suggested that this exchange is of no value or harmful to those JW's who are looking for some affirmation. These boards are what they are. Some people will not ever be comfortable in a confrontational environment and they will find this site objectionable simply because this thread exists. That is too bad. They would fare better if they worked through the discomfort and learned to sort out the trash from the useful information. And, as this thread has shown, it usually works it's way out. I would be suspicious of any board wherein everyone always gets along and never has a disagreement. Not much different than a KH to me.
And look how many post there are on this thread! Surely that counts for something! <g>