Alright, Tyydyy, you're rather persistent, so I'll respond:
: You ask for proof again? How many times do you have to be shown?
You have given no proof of anything. You've quoted a couple of remarks out of context and then, in true Watchtower fashion, attempted to smear me. Why should I respond to a simple smear that is so transparently obvious?
: I have, at least twice, quoted your remark about stupid people biting the hand that feeds them. You chose to call me names instead of defending this fact.
A lie. I never responded to your posts about this at all. My remarks about your stupidity were in regard to other posts.
: I'm getting tired of going back to find those words of yours that show your elitist attitude.
Be tired no more. See below.
: It should be proof enough that you resort to name calling when someone disagrees with you instead of using logical reasoning.
Not at all. I nearly always use logical reasoning first, and only when that fails might I resort to name calling. However, certain posters are known for their inability to reason logically, and so it's useless to try using reasoning with them again.
Now here come the out-of-context quotes:
:: However, supporting dogs who bite the hands that feed them is stupid.
:: Have any of you mental giants actually accomplished anything besides patting heads?
: Edited to include quote
Good choice, tyydyy!
Now let's look at the entire context of these quotes, available in this thread: .
IslandWoman started things off with this nasty insinuation:
: That same prejudice and pre-programing is going on among the upper class of xjws. Believe me when I tell you that the general "brotherhood" posting here is regarded as lower class, not worthy of notice or regard by the upper class xjws.
As Hillary Step and others have pointed out, we've been over this ground with IslandWoman before. Never in those earlier threads did anyone come up with any justification for her insinuations. Thus, her she was repeating an already-demolished lie. What lie? That some on this board regard themselves as "upperclass xjws" and regard others as "lowerclass xjws".
It's true that some people regard others as morons, but that is irrelevant to IslandWoman's claims.
I took IW to task, as Hillary Step had done in an earlier thread, for repeating this lie. In my response, I mentioned her beating up on "the finest people on this board", among which I specifically included Hillary Step and Maximus because they have been the direct objects of her attacks. After that, Xena decided to jump in to support IW's attacks with more dirty insinuations. In other words, she uncritically accepted IW's lies. To show that turnabout is fair play, I responded to Xena with my own insinuations about her intelligence, but also gave her the opportunity to prove me wrong by asking her to justify her claims by explaining her reasoning. Instead of responding with reasoning, she came back with snide remarks. I responded that she was obviously incapable of reasoned discussion, based on her remarks up to that point. Then several posters, not known for their substantive posts, jumped in and attacked me with their usual complete lack of facts and showing zero ability to understand what they read. These included refiners fire, OUTLAW, Xena, zerubberballs, Prisca, and DannyBear.
I responded with some rather clear insinuations:
:: As I expected, those who continually make stupid remarks continue making stupid remarks. At least they have stability.
Not a single one of you morons (you know who you are) has the mental capacity actually to explain what you mean. All you can do is make dark intimations. You learned that technique well from The Watchtower. You have much yet to unlearn.
Note that I castigated all of them for making "dark intimations" without backing them up. To date, we have seen not a single poster come up with anything more.
After that, I made two extremely general statements:
:: Providing emotional support for those who need it is absolutely necessary. However, supporting dogs who bite the hands that feed them is stupid.
Is anyone so stupid as to disagree with these general statements? Is anyone so stupid as to think that all of us ex-JWs have not learned a great deal from great writers and exposers of the Watchtower Society such as Ray Franz, James Penton, Edmund Gruss, Randy Watters, and so many more?
I also had in mind specifically Hillary Step and Maximus, who have done a great deal behind the scenes. People don't know much about it because they neither toot their own horns nor can their efforts be revealed without harm to others. Why did I have them in mind? Because they are the ones that IslandWoman attacked.
Now, have any of the people mentioned above, who obviously can argue only by insinuation, done anything publicly or behind the scenes to expose Watchtower corruption, or to effect change that would benefit the communities of JWs and ex-JWs alike? Not so far as I can see. Nor have any of them claimed different. Knowing these things, I said:
:: Have any of you mental giants actually accomplished anything besides patting heads? Have you caused the Watchtower Society to change its ways? Not at all. They just laugh at your pain.
:: On the other hand, a number of people on this forum actually accomplish a great deal behind the scenes. They've forced Watchtower to make changes, and they're forcing a lot more changes. Because of it, some of you might even be reunited with former loved ones or friends. Not that you have the capacity to care.
Now, tyydyy, given my words in context, do you have any objection to them? If so, explain yourself. And also explain why you quoted my words out of context.