Are we equal...?

by DannyBear 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi


    I believe he saw it. He just wants you to see posted a quote one one of them said it directly. He prolly never said it directly, but like the 'implications' and 'insinuations' he points out in Danny's case, the one you posted makes it clear. At least according to Alan's standards.



    p.s. edited after Farkels's post to show intent in using the words insinuations and implications.

    "it's like the one thing we all have in common is that we
    got played by a cult and a bunch of old men and no matter what it will
    always be a part of us no matter how much we distance ourselves from it"
    ~ Ghostquote

  • Farkel


    : He prolly never said it directly, but like the implications and insinuations he points out in Danny's case, the one you posted makes it clear.

    I pray to God that you would never sit on a jury to adjudge me. You would convict on "implications" and "insinuations" instead of FACTS.

    If you don't like being called a "moron," then stop acting like one. If you do, I will be the first in line to applaud you.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • bigboi


    Alan did the same thing. Does that make him a moron?



    "it's like the one thing we all have in common is that we
    got played by a cult and a bunch of old men and no matter what it will
    always be a part of us no matter how much we distance ourselves from it"
    ~ Ghostquote

  • DannyBear


    Have you read any of these 3 miserable threads? If you just read the quote that tyydyy has posted at least 3 times, you will have your answer.

    Alan want's Simon to offer proof. Why? It's already on the board. Farkel wants proof. Why? It's already on the board.

    What you and Alan fail to perceive, is that Iam smarter than Alan might presume. I won't fall for your and Alan's old tricks. That has pissed him off, to bad.

    What the trick? Alan and fellow debating team, like to get someone to parse out a sentence, qoute it, then they can have a second chance at explaining what they really ment in the first place. Some nuance of the word 'IS' I suppose, or refer to some joke they told last year under the same discussion, or some other lame deviation from what they originaly wrote. Read almost any of Alan's posts, he is a master at this technique.

    I say say what you have to say, going back and expanding on it, to offer yourself an out is pretty transparent.


  • Xena


    No you don't agree with my you are to dense to even get them...please..

    hhhmmm nasty posters??? You talking about nasty posters??? Wow is that like the pot calling the kettle black or what???

    If I can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen...let me guess a reference to me crying the other day...well Alan let me set your fears for me at rest...I was hurt by your word then because I still considered you a decent human now I know you are just a bully and so....

    Stick and stones may break my bones
    But YOUR words will never hurt me...again

    and seeker no you would never call me a will sit back and let AlanF do it and then say...well you know that is just his style...and he has done so much for others...just take it on the chin there Xena...

  • Farkel


    You seem to have a hard time dealing with specifics. My challenge was quite specific. All you did was talk around it and attempt to insult me by questioning whether I had read the entire thread or not.

    : Here on for any poster to even suggest that certain 'worthy', or 'accomplished ', tenured participants deserve special consideration

    tyydyy posted nothing that proved your conjecture above. If you don't believe me, then re-post this conjecture above and his "evidence" right below it, and then explain to we dummies how his "evidence" factually proves your assertion.

    That's how a rational argument is presented, Danny. People who present arguments based upon emotion are almost always wrong.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Seeker


    and seeker no you would never call me a will sit back and let AlanF do it and then say...well you know that is just his style...and he has done so much for others...just take it on the chin there Xena...
    No, that again is NOT what I am saying. I specifically said that if a long-time poster, who has done much good in the past, makes a mistake, they should be called on that mistake. Look back at my words, for I did say that.

    Name-calling is wrong in my book, and evidently in yours as well. My complaint has to do with attacks on other aspects of their behavior, their style. Not the name-calling, which I don't like and say so.

  • DannyBear


    I cannot do more than point to the obvious evidence, already in print, in three sepearate threads. I will not fall into the trap, I have already described to you.

    What is emotional about that. I suppose I could do the same to you and Alan, but all we would end up doing is conducting a tennis match of wills. Oh yeah but here you said. No thats not what I said. Not even worth the time. You or Alan don't like my conclusions, that's ok to. Don't pull my leg, while asking for permission to mess with my mind.

    Jeez farkel were not taling rocket science here. You guys want everything to be based on some high tech bicker fest, of one scientist's theory over another's. We are not talking so deep, that a written statement cannot stand on it's own, without parsing words.


  • bigboi

    Maybe I should make my moronic rantings cleare for the Farkster:

    Earlier in one of these threads, it may be this one, Alan jumped on Xena for supposedly making an insinuation about his friends. In other words he lambasted her for not saying anything directly about his friends, only making an insinuation. Now he's criticizing Dannybear for not posting any evidence of any of his friends saying they were better, but he's made plenty statemnets just in these 3 threads that at the very least insinuate that some posters are worthy of more consideration than others. So why is Alan allowed to convict Xena on her supposed insinuations, but Danny held to a more exacting standard?



    "it's like the one thing we all have in common is that we
    got played by a cult and a bunch of old men and no matter what it will
    always be a part of us no matter how much we distance ourselves from it"
    ~ Ghostquote

  • Julie

    Greetings to all fellow/equal posters,

    Addressing the initial post in this thread:

    :When an employer resorts to comments like 'who sign's your check?' or 'are you biting the hand that feed's you?', it is normally due to some perceived or overt violation of loyalty, or simply to shut the employee up regarding the subject matter at hand.
    I don't like the tactic, because it is rarely used in a one on one situaltion, but generally in the ear shot of other's, to squelch the matter. It is a power based, control technique. It usually works.

    Dannybear, I never thought I'd be sayin' this but bygod I agree with you 100% here. It reveals a horrible insecurity on the part of the employer too, like respect can be gained by this person through fear and intimidation, not earned. Reminds me of biblegod but that's something else again.....quite Machiavelian.

    :Here on for any poster to even suggest that certain 'worthy', or 'accomplished ', tenured participants deserve special consideration, is restricting and trampling on other's free will and spirit. For an author to ascribe his works, as worthy of such recognition, is pure absurdity. Common sense, not to mention the vast diversity in thinking, should assure any writer, that not everyone will agree with his/her conclusion's on any given matter.

    I agree with you again. I wonder, who it is that is suggesting they are worthy of special consideration? I do not necessarily agree that an author submitting their works for recognition is absurd though to demand special consideration because of them is. I do believe high quality works should be worthy of some credibility for the author.

    :This assinine position, would promote the idea that because someone offered an opinion that held up to be true in the past, is no longer subject to review or critique for current stands. Complete hogwash.

    This is true too. Anyone making an assertion should be willing to back up the assertion no matter how often in the past this person has proven other assertions. It is the only fair standard to apply to all. Is there someone who is making assertions and not backing them up? If so, bygod I will petition them to do so myself.

    :There is also an attitude displayed by those who have adopted this course of 'power' and 'control', they believe that because they offer an answer or explanation for their particular stance, that anyone who does not accept their answer, as gospel, as the end of the matter, is thick, or unable to reason. Again the heighth of arrogance and conceit.

    I am wondering if you are confusing someone "not accepting their answer" with someone not refuting an answer by using the same standards as those asked of the one making the initial assertion.

    :One man's answer is another's question. These self induldged writer's just assume, that what they say has more weight than the next guy, this to me is where most of these threads, get sidetracked.

    I think that the threads get sidetracked because people take reference to past works as "bragging" or demanding special consideration, I think such is merely establishing credibility.

    :The 'power' poster thinks he has addressed the question or issue, it is a done deal. Even if he/she thinks she has just responded with the most literate and sound reply...the reader may not. In fact the reader may see the response as a flame or putdown, of the readers idea.

    This is true. Sometimes an "answer", however well intended, can be misconstrued. Obviously the best thing to do, if one feels their sound refutation has been waved away like so much nonsense, would be to break it down to serious points in said refutation and ask why this is not considered credible argument. If you put an effort into argument then you (referring to all here) have every right to expect it to be addressed repsectfully. Of course one must be careful about content if planning to take a stand in this way. Example, the refutation "You suck" doesn't necesssarily merit a serious rebuttal. If one were to say "You're wrong because fact A, fact B and fact C." then it is really only right to get a thoughtful rebuttal/concession in reply.

    :Until everyone can disagree, can point out the reason's, without being utterly destroyed, by name calling, condescending remarks, or ridicule of their thinking process, things will never improve. It is a stale mate, even if the power broker's don't see it.

    Exactly the point I tried to make above. Again, it only works if both (or all) participants are willing to stay to the same standard.

    :I used to feel indebted to a religious organization of men, who considered that their 'shit didn't stink' in comparison with other religious men. I realized very early on, after shedding the need to be a 'follower', that no man or group is worthy of 'power' and 'control' over what is truth and what is not. I don't give a good god damn, how long they spent researching, studying, publishing, spreading the 'good news'....they deserve no more no less respect, than the next guy.

    Well I feel that an educated opinion is worthy of more serious consideration than an emotional comment. It's all about that credibility of sources and stuff. As a historian I have become aware of just how incredibly important source credibility is.

    :I hear and see more truth comming out of real everyday life experiences, from people who have nothing to gain, or prove to me...than I ever have in reading some 'high minded' self appointed, 'feed you at the appointed time' teacher. The truth they(real life) teach me, is a pill a whole lot easier to swallow, to boot.

    Again, I am in full agreeement. Real life is the greatest of teachers. The benefit of us being humans (besides the opposable thumb thing) is our wonderful ability to communicate. We can all share the knowledge we acquire out in the world and help our fellow man along on the journey. For instance, my sister in law, new mother, has greatly benefitted from my own experience as a mom. I have saved her countless difficulties by sharing my own life-lessons with her. That is the beauty of it. I guess some don't want to gain knowledge in that way but others do. I know I have greatly benefitted from some of those who take the trouble to post serious teaching/information stuff. Then again I remember someone whining about one of those kind of posts I find so educatonal as boring "reems and reems of information...". Guess we all want to get something different from this place.

    I guess anyone who doesn't go for that stuff should just skip those posts. Just like I skip certain kind of posts that will obviously hold no interest for me.

    :Don't toot your own horn at me. Don't expect me to roll over because you say it's so. Don't threaten me with 'taking your toy's' and leaving. You whoever that think your special or deserving of some special consideration.....think again...little man/woman....your no different than the rest of us. Equal is a very simple concept, when discussing matter's of the spirit and faith. That is what we talk about the most, isn't it? If so, equality and respect is not an option, it is a right.

    Well I am half with you here. Yes, we are all equals in the sense that we all deserve common consideration to a point. We are not all at the same point of our journey. The tricky thing about discussions on this sensitive topic is again the uniform standard. If one makes assertions they should be prepared to back them up. If one wants to challenge these assertion one should do so in the same standard they would hold the one making assertions to. The real respect thing, that has to be earned and being highly educated is not the exclusive path to this. I think honesty and willingness to admit fault as well as conceding "I didn't know that, thanks for sharing" are all highly acceptable methods of earning respect.

    Just my thoughts on the whole "equals" thing--regards to all,

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