Coffee ... I will take some time to respond to your follow up comments. Thanks for the thoughtful reply ... and for clarifying your points so that I can better address them. My follow-up will be on this thread.
VM44: The collar you refer to is a Roman collar, and is rooted in a fancier version in the 15th century (1400s). The Church simplified the fashion to its present form, and it stuck as a symbol of the clergy. It is used by a number of denominations, such as Anglican, but Catholic Priests are most known for it. It is taken from secular Roman society, much like a suit and tie today might be used in certain occasions, or even a tuxedo for weddings and other special events. It is not meant to parade around for show, but it is done as a sign of a person's office in the Church ... much for the same reason that a police officer, a soldier, or a doctor wears special uniforms and clothing so they can be called upon for service.
Beksbks: You asked, "What is the basis for the church's stand on homosexuality? Masturbation? Birth control?" Some of it is tradition left over from what was continued on from Judaism, what was orally taught in the Church by the Bishops, and the writings of the early Church Fathers, including those who wrote books, some of which are now included in the Bible. I am not saying that the Bible was never used, but its development was an evolution, which making it the 'sola' standard was never the intent. To provide a more detailed statement, I would have to do some additional reading and find the sources ... or you can do it for yourself more quickly.
However, here are some helpful links and short comments ... I have 'cherry-picked' the kinder comments, so that you will see that Catholics have a loving view toward Homosexuals ... but, at the same time there are moral concerns ... and if interested, you can go to the link and read more:
Homosexuality: "Today, the Church... refuses to consider the person as a "heterosexual "or a "homosexual," and insists that every person has a fundamental identity: the creature of God, and by grace, His child and heir to eternal life." SOURCE:
Masturbation: I have found that the Church is generally fairly moderate on the topic ... but, nothing in my research turned up specific Church teaching ... most was advice on how to cope with one's sexuality. But, it is considered a sin ... yet, the Church does not seem to make a big deal out of it. If I find a decent source, I will post it for you on a new thread.
Birth control: The Church has always condemned the use of contraception vs natural methods.
Abortion: The Church has always condemned abortion based on tradition, history, the old law, early Christian teaching, and the Bible. See this link:
PS: I do not necessarily accept or understand everything the Church teaches. This is a blessing in being Catholic ... one can accept or not accept some position or policy, understand or not understand, agree or disagree ... and still be Catholic, never be shut out or shunned, and able to take communion if one's conscience is clear. A Priest will never refuse communion to a Catholic ... except in the most extreme and rare cases.
what an utterly disgusting OP. sorry to offend, but there is nothing redeeming at all about the religion you represent. everchanging goalposts at the whim of a select few, population control, oppresive non-natural restrictions. yeah, just another cult, man.
What in the hell are you talking about, and to whom do you speak?