Amazing wrote"
5. The Invisible Church Theology: I was in this camp for a many years. These folks have largely disconnected from all denominational-ism,but may go to any Church or none, even traditional denominations, but can never again commit to anything. They view the Church as this 'invisible' thing that Jesus founded on himself as the 'Rock' and has Christians from all denominations ... hence it is invisible as a singular structure ... it can never have the elements that the Apostles spoke about and directed, and it cannot have any clear identification that it is something that Jesus built ... that is the one they hold as the 'Rock' (Jesus) is its only foundation stone ... but any other structure in addition to Jesus is rejected. It is this latter camp that you and Mouthy seem to me to be in ... correct me if I am not following your comments accurately
No, not really. I have not rejected the church, as you suggest. In fact, I stated that specifically. Not sure how you concluded that if you read my post. Either I need to sharpen my communication skills, or I fear we are talking past each other. I don’t have any problem making a commitment. My commitment is to Christ. I do not see the church as a building or structure. John 2:14 "In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. 15 And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16 And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” 17 His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” 18 So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” 21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body"
What was Jesus building upon if not himself?
We understand Mtt 16: differently. If you read the whole chapter in context, it does not focus on Peter, but on Christ. In asking Peter who Peter believes Jesus to be, Jesus is thrilled that Peter recognized this truth (that Jesus is the Christ) because Jesus had not told Him. This truth that Peter understood…is the foundation…the very most basic teaching…. the very truth upon which all other Christian teachings rest … is the fact that Jesus is the Christ… This is the foundation, the rock, the chief cornerstone….Jesus Christ. The gates of Hell did not and cannot prevail against Him. It did not take Peter long to show feet of clay…he denied Jesus 3 times when he thought he was in danger. .
Neither my relationship with God nor my salvation depend on a Church. That doesn’t mean that I reject the Church. The church definitely has its place which I fully respect, and enjoy…but it is not the master of my faith nor is it my Spiritual Father. The only one who can fulfill that role is Jesus.
Remember that Jesus also said “where 2 or 3 are gathered In My Name, there I am in their midst. Matt 18:20
Which brings me to the subject of the what you call the “mano to mano” approach. I don’t see it that way, but you can call it whatever you like. You asked if my (or Mouthy’s) relationship with God is one dementional, and if the communication is only 1 way. No…I do not hear voices…Jesus does not sit down in the flesh and talk to me verbally. With all due respect, I don’t think he sits down in the flesh with the Pope either. My relationship is not one way, however. I feel His presence, and He answers my prayers. He directs me through Holy Spirit. There are things that have happened in my life as a Christian that I could not explain otherwise.
How did I learn about Jesus? From my parents initially, who even though they were jws, had a somewhat different understanding of Him than the organization. My boyfriend, also an xjw, swears I grew up in a different religion than he did. It finally clicked when I went to a Witnesses now for Jesus convention. I went forward (twice, actually because I couldn’t get enough, I was overwhelmed) to accept Christ. I was a little disconcerted when later one of the speakers came up to me and asked if I had done this because of something that person had said. It felt like this person wanted to take credit for my accepting Jesus. Credit belongs only to Christ. He was there all along…it just took me nearly 4 decades to realize it.
So let me ask you this. As jws, we believed that the Faithful and Discreet Slave was 144000/GB. Now that you are a Catholic, who do you believe the FDS is? Keeping in mind that in Luke 12: He speaks of the Faithful and wise servants…plural. Do you believe, as I do, that he was speaking here about individual Christians?
As I read the New Testament, I look first at the words of Jesus. What He said is the measure by which I read the rest of Scripture. If other texts, written by the apostles conflicts with what Jesus said…well, Jesus’ words prevail. I know that what we have is limited…but it is enough as a starting point in coming to know Him, an introduction, if you will. Holy Spirit and a willing heart can do the rest.
Amazing said:[Note: The blood relatives of Jesus Christ attend an Orthodox Church in Antioch and near Jerusalem to this day.] Really? Can you expand on this? By what relation? Very interesting…would like to know more about this. Never heard that before.
Amazing said: Side note: It would be nice if people stopped judging me, and show the respect for me that they desire for themselves ... you know, do unto others ... the golden rule.
I hope you are not referring to me… If I have been disrespectful or judgmental in any way, please point it out to me. That is definitely not my intention.
Enough for tonight... going to bed...busy day tomorrow