Myths about the Church - to Coffee

by Amazing 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    If the catholic church had not organised itself and spread christianity across europe and many other parts of the world, what would have happened to christianity? Europe may have stayed 'pagan' tribalist. Zerostrianism and mithraism would have become the roman state religion, perhpas merging w european paganism, as rome conquered it. Christianity may well have gone the route of gnosticism. You HAVE herad of gnosticism, haven't you? Were it not for the catholic church, christ would not be doing very well. Mithras would be object of worship and prayer.

    That may sound condescending to you, but this is all history, should you care to read about it.


  • coffee_black


    I have faith in the power of Christ. Had the church not done it, He would have found a way to reach us. Christ is more powerful than you give him credit for.

    I know my history, Satanus... I am a voracious reader...always have been.

    Coffee who really does have to leave now.

  • StAnn

    Amazing and Coffee Black, just a note to let you know that I haven't been ignoring you. I promised to respond to your questions, Coffee, but a dear friend of ours died over the weekend. Three weeks ago he was out mowing his lawn when his knee began to swell. He discovered he had leukemia and died Sunday afternoon. A real shocker.

    I will read through this thread and probably respond to Coffee by PM later.

    St. Ann

  • mouthy

    Were it not for the catholic church, christ would not be doing very well

    Your named well.
    Have a good Day Coffee..
    I think I met you at PA Amazing,
    unless this old mind of mine forgot meeting you at BRCI.
    I will now not post on here anymore ,
    As it raises my blood pressure ,I KNOW my TRUTH,
    HIS name is JESUS!!!!! HE is MY TRUTH,MY LIFE,MY WAY!
    Though I fail HIM constantly,,,,That is why he died . FOR GRACE

  • Satanus

    Well, there's no reasoning w faith.


  • Amazing


    Likewise this has to be it for me today ... as I have to get to work too and then get to packing,

    Regarding the Church as a whole not covering up.. At the height of the scandal here in Boston, Cardinal Law was suddenly called to Rome at the very time that he was going to be called to testify in Court. He has never come back. Not sure what you would call that.

    I don't know either ... but judging from the outcome, his testimony may not have been needed. Nonetheless, he should have stayed and testified. However, if his testimony was required, then he can do so by phone. I gave sworn testimony in a civil legal matter by phone. So, his being located in Rome is not a show stopper if they had to have his testimony. However, if called upon, yes, absolutely he should testify.

    The scandal was wide the US and abroad, not just a few isolated cases. It took a very long time for the Church to acknowledge the problem, and many millions of dollars to settle the lawsuits.

    The US has been the main hotbed ... along with problems in Canada. My comments about are not meant to suggest a 'few isolated cases.' rather, the problem of shifting priests around is not a Church policy, or mandated by Rome. It is not like the Watchtower policy which comes from the headquarters in New York, and largely from the Governing Body. The Catholic Church does not function that way. I do not honestly know about 'abroad' or what that means in scope. Not because I am not watching, I just simply have not heard or read anything about 'abroad.' Can you cite some examples? Notwithstanding, the crime is seriously wrong and indefensible. And the Catholic victims who have sued were/are within their rights, and the guilty priests should be defrocked and go to jail. And where the Church has been responsible, she needs to pay accordingly, as she has.

    A major point of difference: In my parish (and in others I know of) the parish priest openly discusses the harm caused, and how the Church needs to step up to the plate in all sorts of ways, from paying victims, being open and honest, and consoling the victims. This is a far different response than what JW victims received from the hands of the Watchtower organization.

    I know of your efforts in regards to bringing pedophiles to justice. That is why I am puzzled by your quick defense of the Catholic Church in this regard. They made changes only when it seemed they had no choice.

    I am not quickly or slowly defending the Church. If you read my comments again, you will see strong statements that show the Church must take responsibility ... and my only point is that she has stepped up to the plate. But in no case do I defend her slow actions here in the USA, only that she finally acted, and acted correctly with far superior responses than the JWs will ever get out of the Watchtower Society ... my point was to draw a distinction regarding an unfair comparison. Please do not confuse the two points.

    In regards to your message to Mouthy… What bothered me most about it was the overall message which seemed to say: Just who do you think you are? Don’t you know that you owe your relationship with Jesus and everything you know about him to the Catholic Church?

    This is the difficulty of the written word. Each of us develop a certain 'emotional' attachment to how we take certain words and phrases ... and absent the normal communication of body language and tone of voice, and voice inflections, we insert our own mental voice inflections ... and this is automatically drawn from our deepest emotions ... I catch myself doing it from time to time, even knowing how this problem works. Look again at what you wrote, and then at what I wrote and ask yourself honestly if I really was trying to be insulting, or if it is how your own reaction works. Not everyone saw the same thing ... just look at BTS response, for example. I bring this up not to avoid the above comment of yours ... but to try and communicate something vital about discussion boards and how the single dimension of the written word can be problematic.

    I have no intention of communicating a 'just who do you think you are' message. Rather, I am trying to get Mouthy, and by extension other readers, to look at the implications of what they tell people by saying that they have a 'personal relationship' with Jesus Christ. Relationships involve a two-way interaction ... If you write to a person whose name and address you have, and do so for ten, twenty, thirty years or more, but that person never calls you, or writes back ... do you really have a relationship? Do people really intend to tell me that they have a two way relationship where Jesus comes down sits in their living room, and converses with them? Does Jesus pop out of heaven and say, "Hi Joe, I am Jesus, and I want to get to know you ... and here is a book I has the HS write just for you to read and get to know me." No, that does not happen, except in cases where people start cults. Rather, we all learn about Jesus Christ from someone ... and ultimately all that we have, from a historical perspective, is what the Catholic Church did over time. So, to condemn the Catholic Church, what are they condemning? The wrongs done by the Church? The claims of the Church? The history of the Church. The whole Church? Every Catholic on earth who ever lived? A few bad apples in the Church? Do they condemn the creation of the Bible by the Church? What about other Christians? What about other Churches whose errors run as deep and serious as the Catholic Church? What about the Mono-e-mono types who also do wrong, are they too simply a Church of one who sins? When people condemn the Watchtower Society are we condemning every Jehovah's Witness on earth? What are we condemning? Why not condemn the whole Christian faith, for look at the Apostles, a bunch of dessert rats ... St. Peter denied and lied about even knowing Jesus and cursed those who claimed he did. The Apostle Paul was a jerk, and treated Barnabas very badly. The lead Church in Jerusalem at the time had Judaizers who went out and made trouble for the Gentile congregations. And many Christians throughout the ages have done evil right down to our present generations ... so when we condemn, what are we condemning?

    First, I can’t answer for Mouthy, so I will answer for me. I do not credit the Catholic church for my having a relationship with Jesus. All of the Credit goes to Christ. As He said, "I can make the very stones cry out". It is Jesus’ message, and he has provided the means for us to receive it. Who gave the message to Paul on the road to Damascus? Do you not think that Jesus can find a way to reach every lost sheep, with or without a church?

    Of course Christ can reach any person with or without any vehicle. As a matter of historical fact, he has reached people through the Church. We do not have a 2,000 year history of Jesus jumping out of the sky and starting mono-e-mono relationships, except in a rare case, like a miracle, such as what the Apostle Paul experienced. Historically, it has been the Church. It is not that the Church claims anything special to herself, for she well knows that she is made up uf sinful people.

    Here is what I am saying ... if we condemn the Catholic Church as an apostate system that was corrupted by the 4th century, and attempt to circumvent the Church and go back to early Christianity, and just use the Bible, we have started a losing battle. The Bible was not compiled until after the Church allegedly went apostate ... thus if she is bad, then all of her works are bad. So then, one must go back and read and study all the early Christian writings ... all of the Epistles and Gospels left out of the Bible, as well as what the non-Apostolic disciples wrote ... we need the Essenes works, the Gnostic works, and all the other works and then decide what should be in our personal mono-e-Mono Bible for our mono-e-mono relationship with our personal private Jesus. Develop our own personal doctrine and set of beliefs about Jesus ... and then trust that we did it all correctly. I speak from experience ... been there, done that ... and that is how I rediscovered Catholicism for what it is, not what I condemned about it, and rediscovered how its teachings (not sins of its people and Popes, but teachings) were protected through the ages down to me.

    The serious implications of the Christian Church of Mono-e-mono: Each Christian is of course free to proclaim that they have had a direct connection to Christ, the Church be damned. And I do not care to shake your belief in the private Church of Coffee_Black if that it what you believe and want ... that is your business, and I would never judge you for it. (Side note: It would be nice if people stopped judging me, and show the respect for me that they desire for themselves ... you know, do unto others ... the golden rule.) Anyway, I digress too much. The mono-e-mono private Church of one system denies a fundamental truth Jesus taught, that he would build His Church upon rock, and the gates of hell would never prevail over it. That is a powerful testament to the work of Jesus, that would be conducted by the Holy Spirit whom he sent after he left the earth. The question is, what did he build? What does history show? The Apostle Paul showed that the Church would have a key role in the lives of Christians ... with Deacons (Ministers), Priests (Presbyters, Elders), and Bishops (Episcopal overseers). Mono-e-mono can never have what Jesus built and what the Apostles taught and conducted. So, what kind of Christianity do they have? They have what they have built ... not what Jesus built. The next question is, what then became of the Church that Jesus built ... well what does history show? We know that through the Apostle John, or at least some Christian named John who lived on Patmos Island in Asia Minor, Jesus visited serious messages upon the Seven congregations (The Church) and not upon thousands of mono-e-mono churches of one. This was at the beginning of the second century ... when many of the early Christian writers like Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Student of the Apostles John and Peter, wrote what he did about the Church ... and when one reads what this and his contemporary Bishops like Polycarp wrote ... one distinctly sees a common, collective Church that most notably resembles what we see that emerged as the Catholic Church.

    Now, am I saying that mono-e-mono Church of one is condemned? No. I cannot and am not authorized to judge anyone. It is between the individual and God. But, I cannot deny what Jesus taught would be the Church he built. And, the only church on the block for 1600 years was Catholicism (which schism into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) ... but the faith remained the same until the Reformation. Did the Reformation reform anything? No, it started a divide which in-turn caused more and more denominations ... and made a mess for us today. And I blame Rome in part for the mess, for making needed changes too little, and too late. Though Pope Leo accepted about 55 of Martin Luther's 95 thesis, the effort was too late, and Luther split off. The Orthodox Church did not suffer such great divisions, but had remained largely unchanged since the schism in 1054 AD. We just cannot discount 1600 years of one Christian faith, and act like it didn't happen, and start yet again another Church of mono-e-mono. To do so puts us into a fantasy world of pretending that 1600 years never mattered, when it in fact mattered to Jesus who ""promised"" that nothing would ever prevail over the Church.

    My goal here on this thread was to get away from the negatives long enough to clear up the misconceptions that cause disruptive discussion.

    I find that concept strikingly similar to the jw who asks “Well, just where did you get your Bible knowledge from anyway”?

    Yes, and a parent could tell a child, well, who taught you about Christ anyway? Comparisons have limits. The reason that there is no comparison is what goes unnoticed: That is, the Watchtower Society has no real claim ... as most of her members are converts who already have knowledge of the Bible and Christianity. What the Watchtower means is 'where else did you learn about the Truth as we have defined it for you?' The Watchtower was founded by a man who was a Christian in a denomination ... he had no mono-e-mono revelation. At least Joey Smith and the Mormons tried to come up with something new. However, the Catholic Church not only is the source of Christian knowledge ... but is the one and only Church who compiled the Bible, decided what books belong in it, and declared the Bible inspired. There is no record of any Church doing or having such authority. And, interestingly enough, no serious Christian has ever disputed the books that the Catholic Church decided upon. If one is really honest, one has to do what I suggested above, and go through all the early Christian writings and cherry-pick their own Bible, or choose all writings and read them all and develop their mono-e-mono faith from there. I like what one Priest told me as I was rejecting the Catholic Church in 1969 ... he said that we should throw out the entire Bible except the Gospel of John. That's better, just pick one book for the one and only mono-e-mono Church of one. Lets exclude all we can ... and just do our own private thing ... who cares anyway that Jesus said he would build and protect his Church?

    Thanks for the exchange ... and for understanding that I am not out to offend ... rather, I am trying to make sense of a complex reality called Christianity.

  • coffee_black


    I am glad that I was wrong about your message to Mouthy. It did not sound like the Jim Whitney I know…which was what shocked me in the first place.

    Come on now, Amazing…You know I do not have a one person church called the church of coffee_black. Nice try though. I am a Christian, part of the body of Christ…a body made up of Christians of all denominations (and no denomination wherever they are) I believe that the Rock that Jesus said upon which He would build His Church is Himself. I have come to this conclusion for many reasons… the most compelling to me being that He is the Chief Cornerstone…. The foundation on which He has built His church is solid and unwavering. So many horrific things have been done in His name by churches of all denominations, that to me the only truly solid foundation could only be Christ…and nothing can prevail against Him. He doesn’t fail us, but is always with us. Just my take on it…nothing to divide over.

    On a side note…there actually is a church of coffee Who knew? Lol

    My spiritual journey since my leaving the wt may help you understand my present situation. When I first left the borg, It took quite a while for me to even go to a church. The first I attended was Calvary Assembly…followed by a trip to PA for the Witnesses now for Jesus Convention. Thereafter I searched for a Church home. I went to many… Lutheran, Church of Christ, Methodist, Baptist and others. What I eventually found was

    I felt at home there, and happily stayed until my move back to Massachusetts. It was and is a wonderful church. I visit whenever I am in Florida.

    When I moved back to MA I began looking for a church. I thought I’d find one right away. It was an interesting experience, at times comical. One Baptist Church I visited had a coffee house every Saturday night with a Palm Reader. Another Community Church I attended…well a guy tried to pick me up 5 minutes after I walked in the door. The one I found that was closest to what I was looking for was way too far away to go to on a regular basis. I searched for a long time. Maybe I was spoiled by FBC Orlando…but I could find nothing to replace it.

    I was frustrated at first… but then noticed something I hadn’t expected. My relationship with God was actually becoming even stronger… even though I wasn’t attending a church regularly. I was praying constantly and relying on Him completely. That was a revelation to me.

    Now I go to a Catholic Church with my boyfriend sometimes… I love to worship God with other Christians. The Catholic Church we go to does not deny me communion even though I am not a Catholic. I appreciate that. Now if there was a Church here that was anything like FBC Orlando… I would probably go regularly…at least more often.

    I have not rejected churches… I have simply discovered that my relationship with God and my salvation do not depend on a church. I’m really not just out here doing my own thing.

    Does that make more sense?

    Now in regards to the Vatican and the pedophile problem. You asked for some examples. Here are three.


    The Vatican was warned for 50 years . They knew.


    A flood of similar public revelations followed in at least 16 countries -- in France, Germany, Britain, Ireland, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Poland, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, El Salvador and Chile.


    Amazing, in my heart of hearts I do not see any difference between the way the Catholic Church handled the matter and the way the Watchtower did/does. The articles above show that the Vatican was aware of the problem for at least 50 years, and they were repeatedly warned that they had to do something about it. The Catholic Church finally admitted it… but they had no choice. The media had them under a microscope, and everyone heard about it. They could not deny it. The Watchtower escaped that intense scrutiny. There were only a handful of news pieces to expose them, and the Watchtower was able to convince the jws that it was just the work of opposers. Had the media exposed them they way they did the Catholic Church, the Watchtower would have had to acknowledge it. It didn’t so they didn’t

    I think Churches have an important role today… Worship, fellowship, sharing the faith, and helping those less fortunate. I have learned a great deal recently, in working behind the scenes to help my grandson in his effort to help homeless children. In his 1100 mile walk this summer (from Orlando to Washington DC), he will be stopping at homeless shelters along his path. It has been my job to find and make the initial contact with these shelters to alert them that he is coming and to find out their needs. Of the 22 shelters he will visit, all but 2 of them are run by Christian ministries. One of them is the collective effort of 170 “faith communities”. It has been a joy to talk to them about their ministries.

    I really think that if Christians of all denominations could just get past the denominational distinctions, and work together more, there is no telling what a difference we could make.


    We've gotten off the original plan for this thread, so I’ll stop here even though there's more for me to reply to...and I'll try not to say any more until you return and answer the questions that started this thread. I hope you have had a safe and uneventful move.


  • GromitSK

    I always though that the phrase "by their fruits you will know them" was a useful expression. I can't think of any religious organisation I'd like to see on my dessert plate.

    With regard to Jesus being more powerful than you can possibly imagine - I thought that was Obiwan Kenobi or perhaps I am getting confused.

  • Amazing


    Oddly enough, I have a few minutes on the PC before I disconnect the cable.

    First, GromitSK: Your point about recognizing 'fruits' is good ... but it is admittedly based on Watchtower theology as they used it to draw a line of distinction between themselves and other Christians. They misuse the verse out of context. It we used that verse as they have, then I would abandon Christianity because the Apostle Peter lied and denied Jesus, the Apostle Paul was a Jerk, and other disciples seriously sinned. I need a separate post to discuss the fruitage as Christians in general understand it.


    My point about Churches follows along this line: There are at least five categories of Christian development in history:

    1. Apostolic Authority. This was the only Christian development for 1600 years, and is the prime teaching of Catholic and Orthodox for nearly 2,000 years.

    2. Reformation: This phenomenon developed in the 16th century and never really reformed anything. Rather, we have three branches of the reformed movement: a. Those that retained much of Catholic liturgy, and have similar doctrine with respect to free will (Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, and their branches. b. Calvinist, which leaned to various flavors of predestination, and reduction of Apostolic authority (Presbyterian, Reformed Church, Puritans, Quakers, etc. c. Evangelical, which may or may not have predestination views, but follow the once saved, always saved theology, to which we find Baptists, Pentecostals, Four Square, Assembly of God, etc.

    3. Restoration: These are groups that claim that the Church fell into general apostasy, especially by the 4th century, and the truth went into some form of darkness or hibernation until God raised up some moder day prophet (Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists, Mormon, and others.

    4. Sub-restoration: These are largely former members of the Restoration club, who have dropped the prophetic and controlling rules and policies, but who still hold that Christianity somehow became messed up, and they have opted for a simple variety, a personal control, yet may affiliate with one or more small denominations.

    5. The Invisible Church Theology: I was in this camp for a many years. These folks have largely disconnected from all denominational-ism,but may go to any Church or none, even traditional denominations, but can never again commit to anything. They view the Church as this 'invisible' thing that Jesus founded on himself as the 'Rock' and has Christians from all denominations ... hence it is invisible as a singular structure ... it can never have the elements that the Apostles spoke about and directed, and it cannot have any clear identification that it is something that Jesus built ... that is the one they hold as the 'Rock' (Jesus) is its only foundation stone ... but any other structure in addition to Jesus is rejected.

    It is this latter camp that you and Mouthy seem to me to be in ... correct me if I am not following your comments accurately.

    What caused me to switch back to Roman Catholicism? Some have accused me, even rudely so, that people like me "need" something in my life .. I need to surrender my conscience to someone else and let them do my thinking for me ... and that I am blind to the sins of the Church, and thus have made a big mistake. However, this is not the case. The causal factor had nothing to do with surrender.

    Events unfold: When I was conducting an in-depth study of the Holy Spirit and early Christian teaching a few years ago, in preparation for a talk at BRCI on the topic, I ended up reading every early Christian writer from the late 1st century to the 3rd century. As I read and studies Christian history, I could not help but discover how the Orthodox developed and how much like the Catholic Church they still are. I discovered how the Apostles established Holy Sees, Jerusalem (no longer exists) Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome. The latter four survive to this day. When I revisited Jesus promise to build his Church, I recognized that whatever form it took on, it would have several important elements: a) it would have clear Apostolic roots as the twelve foundation stones in addition to Christ, the Chief cornerstone. b) It would have a recognizable structure like that we find described by the Apostle Paul, with Deacons, Priests (Elders), and Bishops (Episcopate). c) it would have real authority, as ones who have to render an accounting for the flock. d) Peter, in the context of what Jesus taught, made it clear that he would primarily build upon Peter and this became evident in telling Peter to feed his sheep, and that he would have the keys to the Kingdom of heaven and whatever he bound on earth would be bound in heaven. e) And that Christian development would be recognizable throughout history. And history shows that there was nothing besides the Church for 1600 years until the Reformation.

    The dilemma: I had misgivings about returning to the Catholic Church for all the reasons you mention, and more. But, I came back to the point to ask myself, "By what standard do I choose anything?" If I claim Christ as my sole standard, then I have to accept what he accepted. Therefore, I cannot reject the Christian faith because some Christians seriously sin, including the Chief Apostle, St. Peter! Therefore, I cannot reject any Church solely on the basis that some of its leaders or members sin grievously - including the Jehovah's Witnesses. If I use just the Bible, then I have the problem of which translation, and how to interpret the Bible. I also have to consider that the Apostles talked about the 'Tradition' that they handed down as legitimate, and not to be rejected. The only Church that relies on 'tradition' is the Catholic and Orthodox faith - I am not speaking of the 'traditions of men' that Jesus rejected, but legitimate Apostolic tradition. And what of Apostolic authority? What kind of authority is it? It is sacramental authority to ordain Deacons, Priests (Elders) and Bishops (Episcopate). It is authority to perform binding marriages, baptism, blessings, liturgy, the concentrating the Eucharist, preaching the Gospel, and all that the Church was tasked to do ... something my 'invisible' Church or 'invisible' Christians that are spread all over cannot do, not with the fullness and completeness taught by the Apostles. There was just plain something wrong with it all.

    Something new - History: As I engaged in study, and visited about every denomination, I decided to attend the Orthodox Church (Greek in this case) and lo and behold ... even though I do not speak Greek (though I have studied Latin and Greek) I followed the mass quite well. The Greek Orthodox ask that non-Orthodox not take communion ... so I respected this, and refrained. As I took it all in ... it was like being back in time about 50 years, attending an old Latin Rite Mass ... and I recalled something I have not enjoyed since my youth ... a spiritual peace that filled me completely. But, I was not about to rely on 'feel-good-ism' as anyone can have this feeling ... but rather, what I really took away was a sense of freedom combined with great history ... as though all the ages from the first century came crashing back in on my mind.

    The Trump Card: Coincidently, Tom Cabeen was going through his conversion process to the Catholic Church ... unknown to me at first. But, for some reason I do not recall, he and I started talking ... and he commented that he could see my Catholic roots showing ... I presume from our conversations and the way I spoke about life and the Christian faith. Keeping in mind that I was taught for the first eight years of education by Dominicans Sisters. Tom, without realizing it, refreshed in me all the good and right things about the Catholic faith. The faith is not about being above sin ... it is a hospital for sinners to heal. Sometimes, even hospitals, though as clean as they try to be, spread germs and people can get sick working in hospitals trying to heal others ... likewise, the Church has had its share of sinners ... but it has been there since the beginning ... and for the vast majority of Christians it has been the historic source of Apostolic authority, the Sacraments, healing, love, and sound teaching. The Church, with all the faults of its people, and its sinful Priests, Bishops, and Popes (merely Bishops) its teaching and tradition has remained preserved both in Rome and in Constantinople, Alexandria, and Antioch. [Note: The blood relatives of Jesus Christ attend an Orthodox Church in Antioch and near Jerusalem to this day.] Yes, the early Church grew from a primitive form into full form by the second and third century ... and has remained the same, with very little change - it has been protected just as Jesus said ... and no faith can make that claim ... not even the 'invisible' Church that tries to say it is the pure form because it only has Jesus as its foundation Stone ... one cannot do that ... one must accept the full foundation that Jesus chose and built upon ... and if the Catholics/Orthodox faith cannot claim such a foundational heritage, then no Christian or groups of Christians can make that claim today ... there are no others that have roots going back to the Apostles.

    What then about the 500 million non-Catholics? They are Christians, and no Catholic or Orthodox in their right mind would say otherwise. We cannot judge the faith of another. This is why the Orthodox and Catholic have been involved in ecumenical effort to unite the faith. I chose to return to the Catholic faith, not as a rejection of Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Baptists, Quakers, Anglicans, Mono-e-mono, or the 'Invisible' Church or others ... but rather, as an acceptance of the source and completeness of the foundation that Jesus built upon. And unless anyone can show me another foundation than that which Christ laid in the Apostles, and another Church which has such Apostolic roots ... then I will stay where I am ... and do so recognizing the faith of other Christians, and that people around me in all faiths will sin, seriously, including me ... but my responsibility it to Christ, to believe in and accept all of his promises ... including his promise to built the Church, a fully functioning Church with all of the elements present.

    I will finish up my response to your earlier commentary after my new Internet service is reconnected by Thursday afternoon. IN the meantime, I need to now disconnect this PC and get to bed and start my long drive tomorrow.

    Peace in Christ,

  • GromitSK

    Hi Amazing - I am not trying to use the scripture I refer to other than as an interesting measure. I have no interest in the Bible, Christianity, Jesus or any other religion other than as a phenomenon. The reference to fruit is simply a means of saying that one can tell what a group or organisation is like by looking at what it produces over time. Whilst I would accept that there are good catholics, I would be surprised if there were any more as a proportion than atheists or agnostics. Whatever we criticise the WTS (and I hate it with a passion) it has never - burned people at the stake or supported wars.

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