The wife just got back from a one-day special circuit meeting (or whatever they call it) at the regional assembly hall. It's got a capacity of about 1,200, fully paid for, staffed by volunteers and in use for less than eight hours. Then the guy making the announcement tells the crowd that the one-day expenses for the gig was about $6,600 (?!!!)... What's up with that?
$6,600 Expenses For a One-Day Assembly At a Fully-Paid-Up Hall? WTF!
by Room 215 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness 007
YES I AGREE! I helped pay for the friggin hall....I helped clean it for free afterward and YET they charge me $800 dollars an hour for electricity and water......WTF indeed! Non-profit my ass!
I've thought about that too when I've been to assemblies. I wonder if it's a fully loaded average. Even though it's used for 8 hours, it is still probably heated and cooled every day. Plus add taxes and maintenance. That being said, that's $343,000 per year at $6,600 per weekend, so that sounds quite high if it's paid up.
Justitia Themis
I think it goes like this: When the elders have that "meeting" during the assembly, they vote on a resolution to send X amount of dollars to the WTBTS as a donation. Then, they include the donation in the expenses column, and present it to the rank and file as a cost of having the assembly.
Doubting Bro
There's a cost per assigned publisher + the circuit elders make a "donation" to the world wide work and to the kingdom hall fund. In my circuit, they actually gave the amounts from the last time and I realized that the actual cost for the facility was actually less than 1/2 of the total expenses. If I remember, the total expenses were around 6k but there was 2k given to the www and 2k given to the khf so I think the real expense was 2k.
The WTS started putting pressure a few years ago on circuits to donate a set amount as opposed to just donating the surplus. This way, Momma can count on a steady cash flow.
Justitia Themis
I became suspicious when the KHs in our circuit starting paying in advance the per-publisher fee, and yet we would still have thousands of dollars more in expenses. I remember questioning just what those expenses might be since we owned the facility, didn't have food, and everthing was staffed by volunteers.
The part I find most reprehensible is that the donations are presented to the publishers as expenses related to the cost of having the assembly.
This is how it happens: A bunch of High Elders meet in a room. The leader is sent by "Mother" to make a resolution: "Let's add a $5,000 contribution to the ted Jaracs retirement fund (I am being ironic here)". Everybody agrees (or else) and now we have magically created a deficit for the poor unknowing attendants. Praise Jah!
$6,600 divided by 1200 attendance = $5.50 per attendee.
Someone decided far in advance that the expenses for the "special" assembly day would be $5.50 per person, et voila! You get a $6,600 "expense".
Mickey mouse
This should answer your question.
Room 215
Oh, and another wrinkle... they placed three more contribution boxes for the friends to trip over SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOYER!!