As opposed to how many GB members, WT legal, WT corporate attorneys and the powers of the WT society know it's a big scam to exert power and control over it's members ? As always I look forward to your opinions and observations . Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper
What % of WT Society Higher Ups Really Believe what the WT Teaches ?
by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends
Homerovah the Almighty
Whose to say, but one thing is for sure they know exactly whats putting food in their mouths and cover over their heads
and affording them an expandable amount of power over 7 million people.
Now thats a gig that many a man has dreamed of in a life time !
Mr. Flipper, I've asked myself that question many times.
I've come to the conclusion that they must know something is seriously wrong with WT teachings.
They cannot have missed the fact that the Internet has exposed WT for the charlatan it is.
I'm with Snowbird. I, too, have wondered this many times, Mr. Flipper. I just really don't see how it is possible for a reasoning human being to know all that they know... without knowing... ya know?
And Homerovah has a great point... few men could hope for more complete POWER and control.
Perhaps the only reason that our Beloved Ray had a Crisis of Conscience is because he is the only one with a conscience...
i know two...and they believe nearly 100%.......and in area of doubt say jehovah will eventually make everthing their faith is so strong it does not bother them even when they may know something is not right......oompa
HOMEROVAH- Good points you make. The WT society knows EXACTLY what puts a roof over their heads and food in their mouths. And having power and control over 7 million people I'm sure makes them feel like they will have an ongoing gig now for many years !
SNOWBIRD- I have come to your same conclusion sis. I agree. I feel the leaders of the WT society KNOW EXACTLY what scam they are pulling and what it takes to continue the cult mind control over people. So am I imputing wrong motives to them ? You betcha.
BABA YAGA- I agree - I think Raymond Franz was one of the very few members of the governing body WITH a conscience ! One of the reasons he saw the need to exit the witness cult. And as you mention power and control- I think having power and control over other humans CORRUPTS organizations and the people who control organizations to dominate others lives either for money or power. And that is what I think the WT society is doing. It's money and power in conjuction with each other.
OOMPA- So the 2 guys you know up in the GB or upper echelons of the WT society really believe they are teaching the truth ? Could be. I just find it hard to believe that the perpetrators of the Watchtower society are as mind controlled as the rank and file members. I think the higher ups know the scam they are pulling
I believe that most of them just nod their head and go on..
QUIRKY- Very true. I'm sure many of the higher ups nod their head and go on. Perhaps even in spite of doubts
This is what I think; remember that I am not a witness:
I think that none of them believe jack about it.
For what I have been able to learn reading in places like this, the WTS covers their backs every chance they got. They keep people scared and away from critical information about the organization and their finances.
Either the gb, board of directors (and I mean the real one behind the whole scheme), knows what it’s going on and what they are doing.
It’s all about money and power. And I am not talking about the “power” over the life of 7 million people.
If in 2004, publishers reported 1,431,761,554 hours in service it means that the WTS saved closet to 3,350,000,000 (at $3.35 average) in labor. Every time they build, labor, with can come up to 35% of you construction budget, its free.
They (gb) probably don’t have a salary; remember when Ivana was married to Donald. She worked for $1.00 a year but charged more than $30,000.00 a month to the company credit card. How much money does she make a year?
I am under the impression that they know what they are doing.
Take care,
Mrs. Fiorini
Just speculating here, but my guess is they justify everything to themselves. None who currently run the WT originated it. They all started out as victims too. Just like for many of our family and friends who are still in, it would be painful to see the WT for what it really is.
This is especially true for those who have so much of their lives and identities wrapped up in it. For those at the top, they also have a lot of status, prestige and power. It is human nature to want to keep those things when you have them, providing even more reasons to keep believing.
That having been said, I also have wondered how they could not know they are running a cult. Some of the articles that have been written to defend them against such accusations seem to demonstrate a clear understanding of how cults work. IMO they, like all cults, are able to justify the deception they engage in.
Human beings have an amazing capacity for self-deception. Those who run the WT are no different.