I remember years ago Nathan Knorr came to Vancouver to give a talk at are assembly,
being that my father was a stage assistant I was able to sit and observe this high ranking member.
I remember how much brown nosing and ass kissing the other brothers gave this guy and I can
still remember his gleaming and put on smile he gave everyone that was around him.
I'm pretty sure he was in realization that he caught the golden ring that uplifted himself to lofty levels of personal stature.
Even then I could see a charade being pulled off.
You have to remember too that most of these GB men have being working at Bethel for years in some working position
and probably the hard and not the most pleasant ones either so climbing up to the seat of power is and was a big advantage
to them personally. When Jarcz said to an interviewer that the society does not go beyond what is written in the bible you
know he's full of shit and he's very well aware what exactly was the bullshitting that was responsible for achieving his position.
Business is business after all.