Do you believe in MIRACLES?

by nicolaou 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Caedes

    No, I don't, belief in miracles is magical thinking but it also betrays a complete lack of imagination on the part of believers.

    I find it very difficult to understand the thinking of someone who believes that their god performs these 'miracles' on one person's ailment but fails to address major catastrophies resulting in the deaths of hundreds or thousands or millions of people. I have heard some of the meaningless platitudes people come out with to try and address their god's inability to address the big picture, they are always unimpressive.

    I have yet to hear any theist explain their god's lack of sympathy for amputees. Perhaps their gods are as powerless in the face of a missing limb as they are in the face of a large catastrophy.

  • snowbird

    Do I believe in MIRACLES? A resounding YES!

    Do I believe that a shadow receded 10 steps? I believe.

    This is for the jaded skeptics and hardened cynics:

    Acts 13:41 "Watch out, cynics;
    Look hard—watch your world fall to pieces.
    I'm doing something right before your eyes
    That you won't believe, though it's staring you in the face." MSG

    Tee hee hee.


  • Caedes


    Perhaps while I am waiting for the evidence right before my eyes, perhaps you would care to explain your god's lack of action on the prayer of amputees? After all if your answer is such a resounding yes then why is it such a resounding no for amputees? Do they not deserve your god's love?

    What about the two hundred thousand people who died in that tsunami in the indian ocean? Where was their miracle? Can you honestly say the answer was a resounding yes for the tens of thousands of people who undoubtedly prayed on that day?

    I'm afraid I fail to see what is so funny on the subject.

  • drwtsn32

    I did when I was a dub.

    But now? No way. I don't believe in anything supernatural. Miracles are by definition supernatural.

  • BurnTheShips
    I'm afraid I fail to see what is so funny on the subject.

    Would you care to explain why the existance of billions of self-aware moral free agents that can learn and grow in the Universe?

    Would you care to explain why love, joy and happiness that exists in billions of human relationships?

    Would you care to explain the why of the miracle of a new life?

    Would you care to explain the beauty of a sunset?

    Would you care to explain the beauty and perfection of our Universe?

    I am afraid I fail to see what is so grave about the subject. The glass is not half empty. Not even close. There is far, far more good than bad. Where you are looking for reason to find complaint, you should be looking and being grateful.

    I see trees of green, red roses too
    I see them bloom for me and you
    I see skies of blue and clouds of white
    The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
    The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
    Are also on the faces of people going by
    I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
    They're really saying "I love you"
    I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow
    They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
    And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
    Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

    Oh yeah

    It's a wonderful world.


  • PEC

    What about the millions that need a miracle and don't get one?

    There are no miracles, if your tumor suddenly shrinks and disappears, your body fought it off or the chemo you were taking worked. It wasn't the grape juice, the peach pits, the baking soda or God, science has proved that none of those things work.

    Here is my miracle story: In March of 1987 I was laid off from my first job, I had been there 7 years and had made it through at least 10 prior lay offs. In April my mother started her final decline, at the end of June she died, at the beginning of July, I started my new job.

    Was this a miracle? Did God get me laid off, so that I could take care of my mother in her last few months? At the time I believed that, now it seems ridiculous that I could be that stupid. I was laid along with 50% of the engineering department; because, the new company owners, were taking the company in a different direction. They had to be able to make the payments on the debt they incurred purchasing a company three times thier size. The creditors probably required them to take these measures.

    Why did it take me almost four months to get a job? Because, I had other things on my mind, it is hard to remain focused in an interview, when I was thinking about my mother. When I finished the interview for the new job, I knew I had the job, I knew I had answered all the questions correctly. I earned the job, God did nothing.


  • snowbird

    Caedes, my God doesn't consult with me or anyone else as to whom, for whom, why, where, when, and how He does things.

    I gave a resounding YES! to the question, "Do you believe in MIRACLES?" I wouldn't presume to speak for God or for other humans.

    All (amputees included) receive of God's love; it's up to God to judge whether they're deserving or not.

    Those who died in that tsunami are going to be resurrected and restored. God's promise, not mine.

    I was tee hee heeing at the way The Message Bible keeps it real - not at the subject of the thread.

    Thank you.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Hell no I don't believe in miracles! I have more sense than that.

  • PEC
    Would you care to explain why the existance of billions of self-aware moral free agents that can learn and grow in the Universe?

    Random chance.

    Would you care to explain why love, joy and happiness that exists in billions of human relationships?

    Hard work on the part of everyone that is in a working, loving relationship.

    Would you care to explain the why of the miracle of a new life?

    Survival of the species.

    Would you care to explain the beauty of a sunset?

    Air pollution, without it there would be no beautiful sunsets.

    Would you care to explain the beauty and perfection of our Universe?

    There is no perfection in the universe, everything has flaws. Even the imaginary God of the Bible, that made imperfect man in his imperfect image.


  • drwtsn32
    There is far, far more good than bad. Where you are looking for reason to find complaint, you should be looking and being grateful.

    Your definition of miracle obviously differs from mine. None of the things you list are supernatural. I believe in amazing and wonderful things, just not miracles.

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