I am not surprised that you disagree with my summation of this part of the Judahites history. If I had listed my supporting references, the post would have been far too long and complex, making it impossible for readers to grasp the message. I shall produce a document that supports my contentions, which are based on reliable sources, some of which I shall email to you separately.
It seems to me that you and your detractors are speaking in different arenas. As I see it, your focus is on "depopulation" being required before the "70 years" could commence, while your opponents (myself included, but please not as enemies but as persons with a common interest in seeking truth), we focus on the Watchtower's dishonesty with facts and their consistent misquoting of sources.
Regarding the need for "depopulation", I wrote a piece that is available at
I wonder what your thoughts are on the differences between the MT and the LXX of Jeremiah. Why did this happen? What were the motives of the people who made such grand changes?
In particular, why are the LXX and the MT of Jer 25 so different from one another? I don't pretend to know. I wonder what such a difference tells us of those exiles who wrote and rewrote the Scriptures, and of their attitude towards that book (scroll)?
Since these marked differences exist, the WTS relies for its foundation on shaky and shifting grounds.
Perhaps a study of the chaismic structures of Jeremiah might prove fruitful.
Finally, while people (rightly, in my opinion) debunk the WTS's mishandling of Daniel 4, I would like to point out that in earlier times, the WTS misused Leviticus 26 to arrive at 2520 years.