Should Michael Vick Return to the NFL?

by leavingwt 80 Replies latest social current

  • daniel-p

    All of you who are in mourning for those mistreated dogs (and it's a crying shame what Vick did or allowed to be done to them) should google Cruelties of American Slavery.

    That should give you pause.

    With all respect snowbird, what does that have to do with Vick, his dogs, and the NFL?

  • restrangled

    No way in Hell!

    The dogs he raised were abused, and tortured. Most but not all will never be able to be adopted out.

    Sports figures are suppose to be positive examples for young people.

    Heres a link:

    By the way, Dobermans are not fighters, they are natural Guard dogs. They don't fight unless, their property is invaded by strange dogs or more importantly their humans are threatened. Guard dogs are different from Watch dogs. Dobermans will often times stay quiet and softly woof to let their owners know they are concerned, waiting for instruction. They will smell, watch, listen and assess a situation before reacting.

    Watch dogs, yap, bark, and react at any given sound.

    Dobermans are also very vulnerable to pitbulls because of their long necks. That is why you often see 2 inch leather collars with spikes on Dobies.

    It saved mine once from a pitbull attack, and probably saved me from the attack. They will defend their owners to their death.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    All of you who are in mourning for those mistreated dogs (and it's a crying shame what Vick did or allowed to be done to them) should google Cruelties of American Slavery.

    Why can't we be appalled by both?

  • LightCloud

    Are you serious Snow? So everything gets a pass becuase of all the horrible things that were done during slavery?

  • snowbird

    Daniel-p, since we all have the capacity for committing atrocities, why do some feel so strongly about the Vick case?

    Could it be that Vick's seeming insensitivity to animal cruelty is a result of the pain his ancestors have suffered?

    I realize this is a difficult subject; anyone who brings up the cruelties of slavery, is accused of not letting go of the past, but I think it merits a mention.

    Here's something from my neck of the woods.

    Ancient Slave burial grounds are located on the Alabama River at the Millers Plantation and at a location called the Slaughter Field in the Coy section of Wilcox County. The Millers place was among the last to have slaves in Wilcox County and many of the Sharecroppers who remained on the Miller’s Place post-slavery still live in various communities in the County today. The Slaughter Field was where unruly slaves were taken and publicly slaughtered in front of others slaves as a way of instilling fear and submission. Mass un-marked graves were dug and the Slaughter Field later became the public Negro cemetery in the late 1870’s.

    I seriously doubt these incidents received much hue and cry, leaving one to wonder: Are dogs more worthy of notice than humans?


  • LightCloud

    Wow I guess according to that logic Blacks in America cannot be held accountable for anything.

    What do you think about this?

  • daniel-p

    Daniel-p, since we all have the capacity for committing atrocities, why do some feel so strongly about the Vick case?

    Could it be that Vick's seeming insensitivity to animal cruelty is a result of the pain his ancestors have suffered?

    That assumption is wrong on so many levels. First, we're all responsible for our own actions. Despite what ostensibly drives us to commit atrocities, we pay for our crimes. Second, what about all the African Americans who haven't used their ancestry as an excuse for torturing and brutally killing animals? Are they just anomalies? Third, Vick was (I think) one of the highest paid NFL players of all time--and yet, he set up a dog-fighting ring as a side venture. Society rewarded his athletic ability with wealth, and yet he still needed to dabble in black markets and illegal activity.

    So, to answer your question: NO. He wasn't just "insensitive to animal cruelty," he actively committed cruelty on animals.

    What next, chalk up every crime a black person commits as just a reflection of their ancestry? THat's twisted, sick, dumb, and just plain wrong.

  • daniel-p

    I seriously doubt these incidents received much hue and cry, leaving one to wonder: Are dogs more worthy of notice than humans?

    No one is saying that dogs are more worthy of notice than humans. Frankly, I think you're tripping balls. Don't be surprised when everyone on JWN jumps on your case for this. Seriously, your reasoning if screwed up.

  • restrangled

    Snowbird, with all due respect to your feelings, opinion, and the horrible abuse that went on in this country against those of color.....which is unforgiveable.....

    Those who abuse animals just as easily abuse humans. It has been shown over and over that some of the worst monsters in society started out as kids hurting animals.

    They never learned empathy. It was a power trip at a young age, or sick revenge.

    Your argument is very disturbing....It was Hitler's argument against the jews.

    "Could it be that Vick's seeming insensitivity to animal cruelty is a result of the pain his ancestors have suffered?"

    Hitler described his pain of being made fun of from the Jewish kids, and this was the beginning of his killing spree in later life. His life long dream was to get revenge.

    There is no excuse of any sort for abuse of people or animals....bottom line!


  • undercover
    Could it be that Vick's seeming insensitivity to animal cruelty is a result of the pain his ancestors have suffered?

    What the fuck...

    Are you for real?

    So, Vick's cruetly to animals is whitey's that what you're really trying to say?

    This is low, even for you Sylvia...

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