dates Noah's flood to 2350 B.C.

by aChristian 251 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    You're right, DW, these issues have never been satisfactorily addressed. While I would like to believe in a Big Daddy figure that will someday solve all of mankind's woes, the facts of history and paleohistory have pretty well convinced me that this is a pipe dream.

    Consider the history of life on our planet since life with hard parts seems to have become abundant in the "Cambrian explosion" some 550 million years ago. The 19th-century expression "nature red in tooth and claw" has been descriptive of life since then, has it not? There is proof of predation in the fossil record going that far back, and proof that it has been a fact of life ever since. In fact, the fossil record shows that there were actual "arms races" between groups of prey animals and predators over long periods of time. After some major extinction event, a whole new set of species appears. At first, animals tend to be small, but over time they usually go extinct and bigger species appear. By the time another major extinction occurs many of the animals are huge. Almost always the predators become more capable and prey becomes better at defense. For example, by the end of Cretaceous period, just before the last of the dinosaurs died out, the top predator was Tyrannosaurus -- probably the most fearsome land predator of all time. Prey included various kinds of Ankylosaurs, virtually walking tanks complete with full body armor. A good book on dinosaurs will show the breadth of capability of prey and predators.

    What sort of God would create such a kingdom of life? Obviously one that didn't care much about pain and suffering on the part of his creation.

    What about disease? The fossil record again shows that life has suffered from the same kind of debilitating disease that it suffers from today. If, as various Christians claim, the Bible indicates that disease only came into the world after Adam's sin, then the Bible is obviously out to lunch. Thus, stories like the Flood become moot.

    Despite this, one might still argue that God's future purpose is for all this to go away. We may then ask: Will God change his spots after watching half a billion years of carnage without remorse?


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Of coarse these last points you bring out are speculations made by intelligent men.
    They in time may or may not be verified.

    I feel that the explanations that christians or others give for evil to be allowed to exist in a just God's universe, are for the most part speculations, that may or may not be true.

    As those teaching evolution they should be more honest in there conclusions, as to how many things are not proven and subject to change with new data. I feel the christian has not been totally honest either, in their defense of God's actions. The wiser christians, IMHO, are the ones that can admit to these things and acknowledge the limits of their understanding.

    Some of the advocates of evolution have mentioned to me that they should not have to be saying all the time that things they teach are tenative. And I agree, you need not do that if you don't talk about these theories as if they are definite.

    Non the less you make some very valid points that I ponder often.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Seeker

    D wiltshire,

    Although I concider myself a christian I don't have a good answer and I feel that I have to be honest and admit it.
    My opinion of you just rose considerably.
  • rem


    I have studied the Greek text of Peter's words here in question and do not agree with your assessment of them. I can tell you why I don't, but I doubt you really want me to do so. So, I wont, unless you tell me you really want to discuss this subject matter further.
    I do tire of this subject as I don’t see any of us persuading each other one way or another. One thing I can point out is that the assessment of 2 Peter is not only mine, but the assessment of many Greek scholars – perhaps even most of them. We are trying to assess Peter’s original intent as the author – not introducing our own preconceived notions of what his words might have meant. I think a simple reading of his words makes it clear what his beliefs were in this regard. I don’t believe that Peter had any reason not to believe the flood was global at that point in history. I believe he took the words of Genesis at face value. The most probable interpretation of his words point to this view being accurate.

    However, your "most people have always understood the Bible this way" argument could also be made to support the understanding that the creative "days" of Genesis were definitely meant by the writer of Genesis to be understood as 24-hour days, and, up until the time of Galileo, to support the understanding that the Bible teaches that the sun revolves around the earth. How most people understand the Bible has not proven in the past that majority understandings are always right. And it does not prove such a thing today.
    This may be the crux of our disagreement and why I believe Fundamental Christians and Catholics are more honest with the scriptures. I believe the language used in Genesis is clear – the author meant literal 24 hour periods. That’s not to say that he was correct or that other interpretations are not possible, but most probably the original author of the myth didn’t have any knowledge of how old the universe really is and believed that god did it all in a one week period. That is where we differ. You take possible interpretations and turn them into probable ones. The problem is that you do this out of historical context. Sure, today your interpretations seem to make sense, but back when the passage was originally written, the author most certainly did not possess the knowledge you have today. I believe the original authors did believe the sun orbited the earth, whether right or wrong.

    So, let's see. You don't like Fundamentalist Christians because you say they are brain dead. And you don't like liberal Christians who refuse to admit that the Bible contains myths because you think they are dishonest. But you respect people who believe that a book that is filled with myths is actually the inspired word of God. OK.
    First of all, the respect is all relative. ;) I certainly respect Catholic belief that these fictional accounts are from god less than people who just believe they are myths, but I do respect them more in their honesty compared to Christians who twist the meanings of the words away from the author’s original intent, or at leas the most probable intent of the author.

    I believe the fundies and the Catholics preserve the original intent of the authors. The sad thing is that the fundies have not progressed with modern enlightenment to realize that these ideas are clearly wrong. Thus they believe in fantastic myths that are not true. Liberal Christians such as yourself disappoint me because I believe you are not true to the original intent of the writers, but instead, you twist their obvious words to fit what you think they must have said in order to make the passage accurate by today’s standards. To me this is totally anachronistic. Secondly, you twist these scriptures to such a state that you believe they are actually true accounts in some form instead of taking the more probable approach that the stories are just myths.

    I agree with Catholic scholarship because they don’t see any reason why the simple people who wrote these stories should be interpreted as meaning anything different than what they wrote. The people who wrote the stories were not scientists. And no matter how much I disagree with fundies in their belief in these myths, I do agree with them that they interpret the author’s original intent correctly. I just see this as a more honest approach.

    My example with Paul Bunyan still stands. The Catholics and Fundies would take the story at face value. The Catholics would recognize that the story is fiction, but see some value in it. The fundies would believe it is a true story that really happened sometime in the past. A Christian such as yourself would try to interpret the story in such a way that it could possibly be a true account, and you would accept that the story really happened. I don’t see this as a reasonable approach (neither do I see the fundy approach as being reasonable). I actually see it as being dishonest to the original intent of the author.

    Bringing this back to the flood account, I’m not saying that there isn’t some kernel of truth to your take on the matter. Perhaps there really was a flood that inspired the story. But even if there was a flood, it does not make the account as told accurate. Fictional stories are based on real events all of the time. There still is no evidence that there was a Noah or an ark. The story is extraordinary and there is no extraordinary evidence to back it. It seems to me that you have a different standard of evidence when it comes to extraordinary accounts from biblical and extra-biblical sources.

    Have a good weekend.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    One thing that could help in our understanding og the creation account in genesis is this:
    The writer who wrote Genesis was not around when the 1st six creative day occured, and if the writter was Adam then he was only around durring Eve's creation but was asleep durring the process.

    So the term we translate day would have the meaning not of the writer but the teller to the writer.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • aChristian


    It's past 1:00 AM here. I've been busy today. Church early this morning, Christmas shopping this afternoon, helping my daughter move into a new apartment this afternoon and my wife's side of the family Christmas party tonight. Just got back and read the new posts in this thread. I kind of wish I hadn't. Because I'm beat. But I feel a responsibility to keep an eye on things here since I opened this can of worms. I'll respond to you first, then Alan. Because you are a little easier. Though I may have to catch Alan tomorrow. zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Not that Alan is all that tough. : )

    You wrote: I don’t believe that Peter had any reason not to believe the flood was global at that point in history.

    As I have shown you, Philo who was a very widely read and highly respected contemporary of Peter's, believed the flood was less than global. Philo's opinion was most likely formed as a result of the influence of others, and his widely published views no doubt had an even wider influence on others than others had previously had on him. It seems unlikely to me then that Peter was totally unaware of the thinking of Philo on this matter, of the thinking of those who had influenced Philo, and of the thinking of those whom Philo himself had influenced.

    You wrote: I believe he (Peter) took the words of Genesis at face value. The most probable interpretation of his words point to this view being accurate. ..... I believe the language used in Genesis is clear – the author meant literal 24 hour periods. ... but most probably the original author of the myth didn’t have any knowledge of how old the universe really is and believed that god did it all in a one week period. ... I believe you are not true to the original intent of the writers.

    As I have said, I have studied this passage of 2 Peter thoroughly and believe it does not prove that Peter believed that the flood of Noah's day was global. And neither you nor I can say with any certainty what Peter's "original intent" was. As I have also previously indicated, I am convinced that Moses did not believe God created the world in six 24-hour "days." For he also wrote of "the day (singular) that God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 2:4) Thus, since his use of the word "day" in Gen. 2:4 had a broader meaning than one 24-hour day, it is likely that his use of the same word in Genesis chapter one did also.

    You wrote: It seems to me that you have a different standard of evidence when it comes to extraordinary accounts from biblical and extra-biblical sources.

    Yes, I do. I believe the Bible to be the truthful inspired word of God. Thus if an event is clearly related in the Bible as being an actual historical event then I believe it was an actual historical event. As you seem to acknowledge, Peter's words clearly indicate that he believed the flood of Noah's day as described in Genesis really happened. (1 Pet. 2:20, 2 Pet. 3:5) But also to be considered is the fact that the writer of Hebrews clearly felt the same way about the story of Noah. (Heb. 11:7) And I believe Jesus Christ's own words clearly indicate that He believed Noah's flood really happened. (Matt. 24:37,38; Luke 17:26,27) On top of all of this, Noah is listed by Luke as one of Jesus Christ's ancestors. Mythical characters cannot be anyone's ancestor. (Luke 3:36)

  • aChristian


    You wrote: In any civilized society, when a criminal can be isolated it is he and he alone who is punished. ... Who in his right mind would say that killing the entire innocent family of a murderer along with the killer is right? I'm sure you don't. Yet you excuse exactly this kind of conduct on the part of God.

    When people kill people they have no ability to restore the lives of the ones they kill. God does and, according to the scriptures, He will. So, God has never ended anyone's life. He has only interrupted some lives. We should also consider the fact that when God interrupted the lives of many innocent children when He flooded the land of Noah He may well have been showing those children great mercy. For if God had ended the lives of their parents and spared the lives of all their children He would have created a lot of very sad orphans. By taking the lives of the parents and children together in Noah's flood, God was, in effect, transporting them both into the future to a time when, I believe, most all of them will live forever together in paradise.

    I base this belief on the fact that Jesus said, "A time is coming when ALL who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out." (John 5:28) "All" means all. Including those who have died in God's judgments such as the flood. We know this because Jesus said that the people who died when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorra will be resurrected. And I believe he indicated that most of them will be judged with mercy at that time. (Matt. 10:15; 11:23,24) It follows then that the same can be said of the many people, including children, who died in the flood.

    You wrote: Tell me, aChristian, if God directly told you to kill your family, would you do it? ... How about if he told you to kill a thousand of your neighbors and gave you the weapons to do it? Would you think it right for God to do so?

    Your questions sort of remind me of some others. Like the infamous one, "Are you still beating your wife?" Answering such questions with either a "Yes" or "No" is sure to get a person in trouble. Fortunately, I believe that the proper Christian answer to the questions you asked is neither "Yes or "No."

    My answer is this: I am convinced beyond all doubt that God would never tell me to do such things. So, if anyone told me to do such things I would know the person speaking was not God. Yes, I am aware of the fact that God once commanded Abraham to kill his son, Isaac. And I am aware of the fact that God once instructed the Israelites to entirely wipe out large communities of people in the land of Canaan. However, I believe God had a purpose in ordering such actions. And I believe that purpose was completely fulfilled thousands of years ago. And because it was, I do not believe God would ever order anyone to do anything like that again. Thus, if anyone ever ordered me to kill my family or my neighbors there is nothing the person or entity who was giving me such instructions could do to convince me they were God.

    Alan, I'll address your concerns in your most recent post late tomorrow. I've gotta get some sleep. And I've got a pretty full day tomorrow. Wasn't life easier when we didn't do holidays? Nah. At least now we don't have to knock on doors.

  • SixofNine
    Thus, if anyone ever ordered me to kill my family or my neighbors there is nothing the person or entity who was giving me such instructions could do to convince me they were God.

    And yet you have no problem believing a second hand story from illiterate tribesman of eons ago, that has God doing that very thing?

    You may feel insulted when I call, as JT would say, "a spade a spade", but I really wonder about you. You may think it is outrageous for me to come down on you so hard, but you are not an innocent child buying into this garbage, you are the adult who teaches the innocent children this garbage. You are the adult who perpetuates this filth.

    Your callous, unfeeling heart is exposed though, when you tell children these stories. God "transported" the children to the future, huh? A 5 year old will focus on the story of another cold shivering frightened 5 year old seeing his entire family drowned. I focus on that part too. Why don't you? Perhaps for the same reason Nazi soldiers didn't focus on what they were doing. It's just plain icky, causing and apologizing for all this intense human suffering.

    Six's tip o' the day: A cure for ickyness- - just don't think about it.

    Tell me, in the essay found here: would you characterize the young virgin girls who's family has been brutally killed at the hand of Jewish men who were "just following Jahs orders (say, she's a hot little thang)", as, only having her life "interupted"?

  • rem


    Like I said before, all you have pointed out are possible interpretations, not probable ones. I'm not saying I know Peter's intent 100%, but because my interpretation is simpler, it is more probably correct. Occam's razor comes in to play here.

    You know as well as I do that Philo was not your typical Jew or 1st century Christian. Philo was a greatly Hellenized Jew. He worked hard to meld his Jewish traditions with Greek/Roman thought. I think you are overstating his influence. It seems to me that his influence would most probably only reach others who were also greatly Hellenized and wanted to blend in with their new secular culture better. I'm not sure that 1st century Christians and non Hellenized (or at least not to the same extent) Jews would be influenced so much by such a secular authority. I'm not saying they weren't aware of Philo's views, but I don't see why those views would necessarily influence their ancient-held beliefs.

    It's the same today with fundies. Sure they are aware of the scientific findings, they are just not influenced by them. They live in their own world where they continue to take the bible literally and believe the literal stories, no matter how much evidence is against them. Secular scholars have little to no influence over them.

    As far as Genesis is concerned, I thought the Heavens and the Earth were created on the first day, according to Genesis 1:1. Also, it is understood by many Bible scholars that the accounts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 were most probably written by two different authors anyway.

    Again, it's probable vs. possible interpretations. Until such time someone can make the obvious reading of these passages less probable than other possible interpretations, I will continue to accept them as the original author's most probable original intent.

    Sounds like you have had a busy weekend! Take care, friend.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • aChristian


    You wrote: You are not an innocent child buying into this garbage ...You are the adult who perpetuates this filth.

    So, you believe that the story of Noah's flood as told in the Bible is "garbage" and "filth." As you are well aware, Jesus Christ told the same story to his followers. So then, you are calling my beliefs, the beliefs of billions of Christians throughout the world and the teachings of Jesus Christ Himself "garbage" and "filth."

    You wrote: A 5 year old will focus on the story of another cold shivering frightened 5 year old seeing his entire family drowned. ... Why don't you? Perhaps for the same reason Nazi soldiers didn't focus on what they were doing.

    Your comparing me to Nazis was to be expected, I guess. I found your reference to the Bible's story of a "cold shivering frightened 5 year old seeing his entire family drowned" to be quite telling. Since the Bible's flood account contains no such references. The only place I have read such imaginative embellishments is in the writings of people who, for their own reasons, obviously possess a hatred for the Bible, for the God of the Bible, for Jesus Christ and for Christians. I have found that there is no point in discussing the scriptures with such people. For it is impossible to reason with someone whose mind and heart are blinded by hatred.

    I would never call any of your religious beliefs, or nonbelief, "garbage" and "filth." I always make it a point to show respect for the religious beliefs, or nonbelief, of others. Since you obviously do not conduct yourself in the same way, I have no interest in discussing this matter or other matters with you. And I will not do so again.

    As you may have guessed, I did not bother to read your essay.

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