dates Noah's flood to 2350 B.C.

by aChristian 251 Replies latest jw friends

  • aChristian


    I have no intention of responding to any more of your posts. I might if you treated me and others here kindly. But you don't. You continually call us "crooked," "liars" and other such slanderous names. Besides I see no point in arguing with you any longer. I already answered all of the objections raised in the articles written by Gunn in my previous posts. You either didn't bother to read them or couldn't comprehend what you read. In either case there seems to me to be no point in again writing something you will probably not read anyway.

    One more thing, I never said or implied that I was able to read biblical Hebrew. I am not. I am, however, able to read biblical Hebrew lexicons which tell us the meaning of biblical Hebrew words like "yom," the Hebrew word Moses used in Genesis chapter one which is translated into English as "day." As I pointed out earlier (a phrase I often use when talking to Clash), Hebrew lexicons tell us that "yom" had "several meanings," including "a period of time of unspecified duration." (see Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985, pg. 54)

    Clash, I see no point in discussing these things further with you. I do not believe our salvation as Christians will be affected by how we understand the Hebrew word "yom," or by whether we believe the flood of Noah's day was local or global. It may, however, be affected by how we treat others. Something you might do well to remember as you continue to interact with others on this discussion board.

  • Faithful2Jah

    Clashy: You are really a very funny guy. You complain like crazy when someone does not take the time to respond to every word of a couple extremely long articles which you didn't even write. But you refuse to even answer a few short simple questions which I and others here did write. Can you say "hypocrite"? If you can, say it while you are looking in a mirror.

  • IslandWoman

    "I understand how you feel. I felt pretty much the same way a few years ago and for many years after leaving the Watchtower."


    Thanks so much for the words quoted above. They meant more to me than you could ever know!

    May the Almighty always be with you,

  • clash_city_rockers

    AChristian who has the same exegetical skills as Fred Franz posts:

    As I pointed out earlier (a phrase I often use when talking to Clash), Hebrew lexicons tell us that "yom" had "several meanings," including "a period of time of unspecified duration." (see Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985, pg. 54)

    Response: As a Berean and one who checks facts out I did some research. That is O.K. right we should research your claims just as we research the bogus claims of the Watchtower who try to ensnare people into mind control with deceptive and lying tactics. Well guess what I found and it doesn’t look good for you. I’m glad I did some research and you know what I’m going to share it with everyone here on the board and exhort them to check it out. AChristian it looks like the evidence that I AM GOING TO PRESENT and will site so everyone can see for themselves will finally discredit you.

    Well I went to my shelf and check the Vine’s just like you told me, and guess what, it says absolutely nothing what you claim. Let me quote me the reference.

    Speaking of Yom the biblical word in Gen 1:5 the Vines says: “a day, is used of the period of natural light Gen 1:5” ---pg 270 Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the Old and New Testament, O.T. ed. By F.F. Bruce 1981 Flemming Revell, ISBN 0-8007-1282x

    Mr. AChristian, You lied to us that is very deceitful everyone here who is observing go to and look up the ISBN and get a copy of the book or go to your local library of church library and get check this deceivers claim for yourself.

    Well guess what I went to another Hebrew reference and guess what I found that other Hebrew scholars say of the word “Yom”?

    I went to the “New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis --- Ed. By Willem VanGemerern ---1997 Zondervon, (in Grand Rapids) ISBN 0-310-20217-5”. VanGemeren, who by the way is a professor at Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, your town, so aChristian go and check for yourself unless you are too dishonest.
    From vol. 2 pg. 419, speaking of the word yom (3427 NIV Exhaustive Concordance Number since the dictionary is based off the NIV)

    “daylight, day as in (24 hours), eschatological day”
    From vol. 2 pg. 420, speaking of the Hebrew word yom
    ”as a measurement of time the term (yom) has three principal uses. (a) Its primary meaning is the time of daylight as distinct from the period of darkness, the night. For example in Gen 1:5 God called the light day (also Gen 7:4; 8:22; 29:7; Ex 24:18; Ps 139:1…). (b) The term is also used for day in the sense of the complete cycle that includes both daytime and nighttime e.g. Gen 1:5 “and there was evening and there was morning-the first day” (cf. Gen 7:24; 50:3; Lev 8:35; Job 3:6). (c) The term day is also used in a variety of extended meanings, for instance, to indicate one’s lifetime or reign in his days (Gen 26:1; 1Kings 10:21)”
    So you see the word day (yom) according to bible scholars whom you appeal to means a regular 24 hour day. So the proper exegesis of Gen 1 is with in the space of 6, 24 hour days.

    I didn’t stop there I went to the “International Standard Bible Encyclopedia” ed. Geoffrey Bromiley, 1979 Eerdmans, ISBN 0-8028-8161-0
    BTW: Geoffrey Bromiley is a theologian / professor at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA.

    Vol. 1 pg 887

    “The basic meaning of (yom) expresses a division of solar unit of time… The astronomical day was reckoned by the Hebrews from evening to evening (Gen 1; ex 12:18; Lev 23:27,32)”

    Yes, I did some more checking I went to the “Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible—ed. Walter Elwell (bible professor at Trinity Divinity Evangelical Seminary in Deerfield, IL) 1988 Baker Books, ISBN 0-8010-2139-1

    Vol. 2 Pg. 587

    The Hebrew day began in the evening and continued until the fallowing evening (cf. Gen 1:14,19) That kind of literal (24 hour) day is known as a civil day”
    That makes sense given the Hebrew context of Sabbath observance.

    Well let the record reflect you sadly because of your lies and deception aChristian you have destroyed your own credibility on this board.

    This mock discussion will demonstrate what is going on

    JR--as myself
    VG—as Willem VanGemerman

    JR: Hey AC what’s up?
    JR: chill man I just said hi, speaking of your darling evolution so how can you justify the days of Gen 1 to mean as your theologian Carl Sagan puts it Billions and Millions and Billions and Millions of years?
    AC: Because the Hebrew word “Yom” means what ever I want it to mean.
    JR: So where did you learn your skills as a Hebrew master scripture scholar?
    AC: From the Fred Franz-Nathan Knorr-Judge Rutherford School of Hebrew
    JR: Oh, I guess that’s cool but all these Hebrew reference books are contradicting what YOU claim. I brought a friend from your town who teaches Hebrew at the local seminary his name is Willem VanGemeren who ed. The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. And wrote other cool books on historic redemptive theology.
    VG: Hey guys what’s up?
    AC: Get the hell away from me! I don’t want you to expose me as a fraud, liar, and deceiver or exploit my ways of deceit and subterfuge.

    Well AC I call you out and exposed you.

    Tootles with warm chicken noodles,

    Hugs and kisses, snuggles and squeezes,

    Look the only people who take your side are those atheist and unbelievers who are already dishonest. No Christian who really has Christ as Lord will will ever take your side.

    Cheerio’s, or is it Honeycombs?

  • aChristian


    You call me a "liar" because I said the following: Hebrew lexicons tell us that "yom" had "several meanings," including "a period of time of unspecified duration." (see Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985, pg. 54)

    Why do you call me a liar? Because you tell us that you have not found those words on "pg 270" of your "1981" edition of "Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the Old and New Testament."

    Now that makes a lot of sense, Clash. Sometimes I actually wonder if you are for real or just putting us all on in an attempt to make Christians, or at least "fundamentalist" Christians, look stupid.

    But just in case you are serious, I've got to ask you, do you really think I made up that reference? I have the book I quoted from right here in front of me, opened to page 54, and I'm now looking right at the words I quoted. Of course, I could be lying again, couldn't I Clash? So let's forget about my book. OK, Clash? Do you even realize that part of what you just cut and pasted says basically the same thing? Do you even read what you post?

    You just posted the following: From vol. 2 pg. 420, speaking of the Hebrew word yom [quote]”as a measurement of time the term (yom) has three principal uses. (a) Its primary meaning is the time of daylight as distinct from the period of darkness ... (b) The term is also used for day in the sense of the complete cycle that includes both daytime and nighttime ...(c) The term day is also used in a variety of extended meanings, for instance, to indicate one’s lifetime.

    "A VARIETY OF EXTENDED MEANINGS." I'll translate your own post for you, Clash. That means that the Hebrew word, "yom," which is translated into English as "day," the word Moses used repeatedly in Genesis chapter one, often means something other than a 24 hour day.

    Clash, will you please stop this nonsense? Don't you realize how bad you make yourself look when you constantly call everyone who disagrees with you nasty names?

  • SixofNine


  • AlanF

    AC, why do you bother with this scarecrow? Everyone can see that it doesn't have a brain.


  • clash_city_rockers

    aChristian dodging the references that I took my time to look up:

    "A VARIETY OF EXTENDED MEANINGS." I'll translate your own post for you, Clash. That means that the Hebrew word, "yom," which is translated into English as "day," the word Moses used repeatedly in Genesis chapter one, often means something other than a 24 hour day.

    response: No where in The reference I quoted gave that answer.

    look it up for yourself

    New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis --- Ed. By Willem VanGemerern ---1997 Zondervon, (in Grand Rapids) ISBN 0-310-20217-5”.

    lou are a liar like Fred Franz let evidence speek for itself

    Question have you even looked at the referances that I showed you?
    If not you are a crooked man and you bare false witness which is apperently part of your ungodly character.

  • clash_city_rockers


    all you can do is call names because you lack the dilligence to research these things for yourself.

  • SixofNine

    lol @ clash. Damn your stooooooooopid!! lol.

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