Ummm ? it looks quite readable on my monitor, I've been using 10 pt. and it looks large enough by my eyes , how about this then ?
This is 12 Pt.
Yes I can just hear and see the announcement at the hall.
Brothers and Sisters we have an important announcement to make !
: As of today the elders of this congregation have determined that Brother Wankalot
will no longer be considered one of the Jehovah's Witnesses due to his uncontrollable and impulsive
habit of masturbation. Even though we had placed a chastity glove on his right hand covered with pins and needles
he still continued to masturbate at will. Erotic pictures of sisters in this hall have been confiscated and will be destroyed
after further review by the elders. We make this decision in the name of are father Jehovah and son Jesus Christ.