Min, what was your status as a JW?
Why did you pick your avator or username?
by cognac 76 Replies latest jw friends
My real name means "palm tree" in Hebrew. But I'm not Hebrew. I don't know how to put up an avatar......
You old troll you,
Have you heard if Maximus is still okay? I remember his exit from here - very sad.
Or are you Maximus when he's drunk. (ok, I'm kidding)
Leolaia cuz I like Osamu Tezuka. I grew up watching Astroboy and Kimba.
Sally Sparrow cuz she reminds me of myself and was a great character in a fantastic episode. She definitely needs to be brought back.
I chose my avatar because my old friend Robert Plant told me hey, just be yourself.
Oh - my avatar.
I put that up until the new board was up and running as a sign of repentance to Minimus for harassing him. Unfortunately, I cannot change it, so I'm stuck with that stupid monkey.
I'd rather have no avatar - it really means nothing.
I remember his exit from here - very sad.
What happened?
I put that up until the new board was up and running as a sign of repentance to Minimus for harassing him. Unfortunately, I cannot change it, so I'm stuck with that stupid monkey.
I'd rather have no avatar - it really means nothing.
lol, I love your avatar!!! It's awesome! Don't get rid of it ever! It's to cute and when people change there avatars I get all confused...
You could always go back to this:
That was an awesome one.
But I still love the monkey like everyone else.
I got 4 sons so my home is definately a boy zone. I wish I had an avatar but not sure how to post one.
I love your Sally Sparrow Leolaia, that was my fav episode too. Such a clever story. Don't blink!
keyser soze
My username was a pseudonym used in the movie Usual Suspects, for a supposedly fictitious master criminal. I just thought it would be cool nickname.
My avatar is a character from Deadwood(actor Ian Mcshane), the greatest television show ever.