Why did you pick your avator or username?

by cognac 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rocky_Girl

    I was just starting college at the ripe old age of 27 when I joined at Rocky Mountain College. My English professor was surprised at the mature writng he found in my first paper, meant to guage what he needed to teach. I look very young and most people place me btween 18-21, so he was shocked that I was about to turn 28, he said "you just look like a, well, a girl" I guess as opposed to a woman, haha. He still refers to me as a girl most times. Anyway, it was natural link. Rocky_girl I am. I didn't have an avatar when the forum changed hands so I have to wait to post one.


  • FlyingHighNow

    After I talked to exjw's online, corresponded with some exelders and exbethelites and read crisis of conscience, I began to live again. The WTBTS couldn't hold me down within the bowels of the earth any longer. That is when I began to fly high again. I used to fly high before they got this giant butterfly net and caught me in midair and then grounded me.

    I have had a few avatars. But this one is a pic taken of me by my son in 2004. A former poster called Mac used to tease me about the movie Billy Jack. So I went and found a pic of Billy Jack and cut his hat out and pasted it on my head. I tried to use this avatar for another site and it cut my face in half. I rather liked it. It seemed mysterious. So I used it here, too.

    Everytime I get rid of it, a few of the fellows ask me to bring Flying Jack back. So there she is. You can buy replicas of Billy's hat online. I want a real one real bad. I wear a lady's large hatsize. So, if anyone loves me a lot and money is no object, you can buy me one. I'll love you forever and ever.

  • oompa

    because i am drop dead gorgeous........exactly like my avatar......and esp in the latest wonka movie........that oompa loompa........ deep roy......creeped me out......actually i just like humor....oomps

  • AgentSmith

    Agent Smith. Lovely chap. I identified with his dilemma. (And his subsequent actions). And just like my sunglasses wearing alter ego, I defended the society, the system, with militant attitude. Wore my suit, and crushed those who dared to question the Borg.

    Until one day the whole house of cards could not support itself anymore. All the stuff I ignored, came into focus, and the cards started to fall.

    The avatar is me, I look a bit like Hugo Weaving, don't you think?

    Agent Smith

  • four candles
    four candles

    Mines from a comedy sketch by the 2 ronnies. You tube links never seem to work for me on here so just go to you tube and search Four Candles,then you'll see it. I put a few into a box and pulled one out at random,and the result is four candles.

    The avatar is me,can't change it ..................yet!!!

  • doofdaddy

    My avatar is a sample of the genious of the Balinese wood carvers. Will change it when we can.

    Doofdaddy is because I was a fanatical attender of forest parties, all night doofs and being a proud dad.

  • LouBelle

    The pic is of me - nothing to hide and don't mind if people know what I look like. The username - one of my nicknames - I wanted to go with Lou but that was taken.

  • Amha·’aret

    My username is the word that the Pharasees used to describe the local rank and file jews back in the day. It's a derogatory term meaning "people of the earth" and sums up to many elders' attitudes to the r&f dubs, esp women. Grrr...

    The avator links with it. Its the Monty Python foot and represents the way elders and other "leaders" squish our spirits, our individuality and our lives.

    But not any longer!!!

  • donny

    Because it was my name and picture.

  • kurtbethel

    Years ago I signed up for a religious newsletter with the alias "Kurt Prochnow". I always use aliases for magazine subscriptions and such because I loathe unwarranted data mining. It made sense to fuse Kurt with the location of everyone's favorite gang of Good Buddies. My first avatar was the Jehovahnator, a character which I created. I have rotated them regularly, including my handsome mug, and got stuck with the current one which is from the bible student era. Had I know avatars would have been frozen I would have made it point to a URL and (some) people would wonder how I am able to change it.

    I have tried an animated GIF but it did not animate. Drat!

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