ah...as some of the veterans know,.... my initial moniker was SankesInTheTower...it was a typo...I had entered late one night and got stuck with it...what I wanted was SnakesInTheTower..... and I didn't want to lose my entire posting history. At the kindness of the site owners, they made the correction... they won't do complete name changes (so don't ask...they would never get anything done otherwise..lol )....but in this case understood the typo and fixed it.
I got a lot of good natured kidding about Sanka coffee and such. Every so often someone will remind me of it....
The actual (and current) SnakesInTheTower had a two fold meaning. 1) I considered then and now that the GB were Snakes In the Watchtower. 2.) They would probably consider me a snake in their tower if they knew how I felt about them.
My original avatar was this snake: 
(Just an image I pulled off Google... if I ever write my memoir...that's going to be the cover)
Some people were creeped out by it, and my demeanor had become calmer since I first signed up. On my way home from visiting purps and R.F. back in Oct 2007, I snapped this picture of an Arkansas sunset. This is my current avatar:

I like it. Threw a few people off for awhile. My writing style hasn't changed much... I still sign off the same....shortened from:
SnakesInTheTower (of the "{whatever I was thinking about}" Sheep Class) to just....
Snakes ()
(aka ...Rich)