What disturbs me is that Jehovah and his subordinates all have time to trim those beards everyday. I guess Wahl makes a fortune in Heaven or Alpha Centuri.
This Disturbs Me Most of All
by cameo-d 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
designs writes:
Scully you've gone from one superstitious religion to another set of fears and superstitions. Try not sleeping with one eye open. In other words time to grow up.
Unlike you, designs, I won't resort to ad hominem attacks or strawmen arguments (for the time being).
The words from the Watchtower Society published in 1952 are as plain as day, and have never been retracted. It isn't superstitious to read those words, from an official publication of the WTS, and come to the conclusion that, were it not for those pesky laws against murdering people for any reason (including the imaginary crimes of blasphemy and apostasy), every exJW would need to be in hiding or would already be dead. Because that's what every other Drama™ at summer conventions depicts: the display of Loyalty™ to Jehovah's Kingdom™ by executing Wrongdoers™ and Apostates™ - I'm sure everyone with any JW history remembers those renderings like they happened yesterday. The idea of Loyalty™ to Jehovah the WTS, no matter what the cost, is reinforced over and over and over. Questioning the WTS is cautioned against in the strongest terms, because it is believed to be just a short distance from there to full-blown Apostasy™. The Governing Body has elevated itself to a position whereby its writings are the equivalent of The Words of Jehovah™, and blind, unthinking, undiscriminating Loyalty™ to whatever the Governing Body has uttered or published has been an official doctrine of Jehovah's Witness belief since 1986.
Approved association with Jehovah’s Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses. ~ Watchtower, April 1, 1986, p. 31
Now, I could argue that much of what the WTS teaches is neither true nor scriptural, and thus not worthy of accepting as part of my worldview. Unfortunately, JWs don't see it that way, mentally strangled as they are by the circular logic of it's-in-the-Watchtower/Publications™-so-it's-The-Truth™ and it's-true-because-the-Governing-Body™-says-it's-true, and in fact, regard me as a dangerous Apostate™ influence, despite the fact that I've never tried to persuade even one JW to leave the religion.
The fact is that JWs are the haughtiest of bullies and bigots. They enjoy a feeling of superiority to everyone else, due to their belief that they alone possess The Truth™ and will be spared from destruction at Armageddon™ (unlike 99.9% of the world's population), and are thus entitled to regard people like me (and other former JWs) with undisguised, unapologetic contempt, "like the dog returned to his vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire" (2Pet2:22). The compassionless contempt of JWs - reinforced over and over and over in their regular indoctrination sessions - toward outsiders, and particularly toward former JW outsiders, has been recounted here to a degree that would make genocidal sociopaths like Idi Amin, Adolf Hitler and Robert Mugabe envious for its effectiveness. The Governing Body™ has convinced its JW followers to regard exJWs as DEAD, as good as DEAD, or as vermin awaiting extermination. They take sadistic pleasure in the emotional damage they wreak on exJW family members and "friends", because, remember, they are doing it out of Loyalty™ to Jehovah God. And don't try to tell me that they don't, because I have seen it with my own eyes, both when I was a JW, and as a target of such contempt in the years since I've left the JWs. Passive-aggressiveness in the form of shunning is an act of emotional and mental violence and cruelty. There's nothing peaceful or peace-loving about it.
Perhaps, designs, you're the one who needs to pull their head out of their @$$ sand and finally see what's obvious to so many former JWs.
yadda yadda 2
The claw hand still disturbs me more. Can we have a close-up?
The fact is that JWs are the haughtiest of bullies and bigots.
Ahmen! Testify sister...
JWs would never raise a hand at anyone - anyone who thinks otherwise is blinded in their hate.
as far as the OP, cameo-d - you have a problem with all religions then... as do i.
Yaddayadda: "The claw hand still disturbs me more. Can we have a close-up?"
You will find everything you want to know about the claw hand on this thread started by our own dear CoCo a couple of years ago.
Be prepared. It's quite a shocker!
Look into the eyes of a JW as they refuse a blood transfusion for a "beloved" family member, knowing it is a death sentence. Why so hard to believe they would take the life of a hated "apostate" if commanded to? Don't be naive. The JW organization is Jonestown in slow motion.
mraimondi writes:
JWs would never raise a hand at anyone - anyone who thinks otherwise is blinded in their hate.
Why would they need to raise their hand at anyone, when all they have to do is believe that the person they are shunning is "dead to us", or "as good as dead"? To them, exJWs no longer exist - they have effectively vaporized us in their own minds. It actually takes a lot of hatred and contempt to treat other people this way - this is how they imitate their "god", and how they behave in a manner consistent with Caesar's law and God's Law™: eliminating people without actually lifting a finger against them.
The other point that Gregor makes is quite valid: they will allow their children and other "loved" ones to die, without question, when it comes to the issue of blood transfusions. If they can stand by while someone they love dies (for real) for the sake of Loyalty™ to Jehovah, it wouldn't take much for them to go into brainwashed zombie mode if the GB published anything that even hinted at killing Apostates™ or anyone else whose lives they wanted to "save" by a premature death that would allow for a Resurrection™ in Paradise on Earth™.
I suggest that you Google the following names: Christian Longo and Robert Bryant. Both of them subscribing to the JW mindset who MURDERED their respective spouses and children. You can't convince me that having been JWs had absolutely nothing to do with those homicides.
There are enough other cases where JWs have committed murder that your statement "JWs would never raise a hand at anyone - anyone who thinks otherwise is blinded in their hate" is complete rubbish.
Scully: "eliminating people without actually lifting a finger against them."
...And those without the Mark will not be able to buy or sell.
See how easily it can be done?
Spike Tassel
JWs is ambiguous. Does it mean those following what they ought, or those who identify themselves at times as such but whose actions prove otherwise? I suggest that the examples of Christian Longo and Robert Bryant must fall into the latter category just from your description here.