This Disturbs Me Most of All

by cameo-d 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    Fundamentalists's and Baptist's posting their theological beliefs is the best cure for anyone venerable enough to be coaxed into their web.

    Good ol Saint John Calvin sure did a number. A God who predestines all to heaven or Hell. Its not enough for them to conceptualize people dying their God has to torture them in the afterlife, swell.

    Keep posting Fundi's. Its the best protection from getting involved in your Cult.

  • Gregor

    JWs is ambiguous. Does it mean those following what they ought, or those who identify themselves at times as such but whose actions prove otherwise? I suggest that the examples of Christian Longo and Robert Bryant must fall into the latter category just from your description here.

    Typical WT apologist hypocrisy. So, the only real JWs are the ones who are good people? If they are bad people they are not really JWs? How perfect is that! Tails I win, heads you lose.

    "By their fruits ye shall know them"

  • Heaven

    If you have ever looked at a deciduous tree in the winter, the branches are definitely not uniform. Most things in nature are not.

    I have always loved the following story. Perhaps you have heard or read it before....


    Once upon a time there was a man whose job was to bring water from the stream to his Master's house. The man carried the water from the stream in two clay pots. He hung the pots on each end of a pole, which he carried across his shoulders, to and from the stream many times a day.

    One of the clay pots was perfect in every way for its purpose. The other pot was exactly like the first one, but it had a crack in it and it leaked. When the water bearer reached his Master's house, the perfect pot was always full, and the cracked pot was always half full.

    The perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, and it boasted loudly. It criticized the cracked pot for its failures, and reminded it that despite his efforts, the water bearer could only deliver half a pot of water due to his cracks. The poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfections, and was miserable that it could only accomplish half of what it was supposed to do.

    One day the cracked pot spoke to the water bearer. "I want to apologize to you. Because of my cracked side I've only been able to deliver half of the water to your Master's home, and you don't get the full value from your efforts."

    The water bearer smiled on the cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, "As we return to the Master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path."

    Indeed as they climbed the path from the river to the Master's mansion the cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful flowers along one side of the path, and it felt somewhat brighter. But when they reached their destination and the water in the half-empty pot was poured out, his sadness returned. "Thank you for trying to cheer me up with the beautiful flowers, water bearer," The pot spoke. " But I still must apologize for my failure."

    The water bearer said, "Dear pot, you haven't understood what I was trying to show you. Did you notice that the flowers only grew on your side of the path? That's because of your crack. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and everyday as we walked from the stream the water that leaks from your pot has watered them. I could have got a new pot, but I preferred to gather the flowers, and with them to bless many tables."

  • Heaven

    JWs would never raise a hand at anyone

    So you don't count pedophilia as 'raising a hand at anyone' then?

  • jaguarbass

    God has been missrepresented to us.

    Depending on what god you choose most likely he is a decendant of the Annunaki,

    from Nibiru.

    Jehovah had the people kill their children and animals because he liked to barbeque.

    He liked the smell. And the taste. Young children are similar to what we humans

    call veal.

    Your friend who wrote the book knows all about this.

    You should check out Zechariah Sitchin the 12th planet its all in the sumerian text.

    If you cant afford the 10$, go get it from the library for free.

  • Blueeyes54

    Jehovah God is not beyond destroying His own people for their disobedience. The judgement starts with His house first. Jesus cleaned the temple out with a whip and he can do it again. Remember when you point your finger at someone else three are pointing back at you. He HATES hypocrisy and His son called it the leaven of the Pharisees. When the Israelites sucked the joy our of thier own people by their made up rules and regulations, Jesus came and showed a better way. Jehovah allowed his people to suffer embarrassment and humiliation of their own follie by the nations surronding them. And then he punished the ridiculers. If you are unhappy with JWs for a lack of love, mercy, and justice, then rest assured He is too. He'll fix it, He always has. I believe exposure and embarrassment has already begun, as once exposure goes out on the WWW it can't be pulled back and hid under a rock. No matter how awful the Isrealites treated God's son, he never talked abusively. He didn't even call Satan bad names. He always maintained his dignity even to death. May we all be that strong in the difficult times ahead. Jehovah loves you and he will decide who are apostates as he is the true judge. He is looking for repentance and opportunties for forgiveness. The JWs no longer want to hear this message from me, so if it encouraged you to read it in any way I am happy. Sing more, dance more, laugh more, love more and you'll never be mistaken for a Pharisee!

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Jehovah know who HIS Witnesses are. And it isn't necessarily the ones who the WTS accept as JWs. 1 Samuel 16:7 is in line with this. The thing that disturbs ME most is how few people actually have the sense of what Jehovah's been trying to teach humanity even in such basic values as respect and love and honour and truth.

  • lurk3r

    Jaguarbass - Does your origins with regard God and Nibiru bring you comfort? You bring this up a lot.

  • PSacramento

    What's with the beards???

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    why not?

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