It just seems that everyone has beards !
Now, I have been know to don a beard ala Maximus in Gladiator on an occasion or two, but this whole "everyone looks the same" thing is creepy...
This Disturbs Me Most of All
by cameo-d 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
Spike Tassel
PSacramento, I guess you'll just have to submit your suggestions to the WT artists
The creepy part of the image is their eyes rolled in a crazed rabid dog manner. They look enraged, while the Kenny Rogers guy looks almost placid as if standing back and letting his henchmen do his dirty work. The picture appears to have nothing to do with God or Jesus or any Bible character, just demonic crazed beings.
Spike Tassel
Kurt, it looks like you have some suggestions as well
renny: I'm 100% certain that even if all the gb asked it of us now we wouldn't do it, it is too ingrained in our whole identity that we do not kill,
lmao....dubs would rape, pillage, and plunder......just like gods people did in times past.....oompa
Spike Tassel
Christ's plundering is now up to his heavenly band of angels, not for those on earth, I suggest.
This reminds me though......i have not been to a toga party since my senior year in high school........and i need one.......
wait.......i just remembered that i did a toga dinner night on a Costa cruise a few years ago......but it was not wild and crazy dammit.........oompa
those guys just need a keg, some weed.......and hot chicks.....
Spike Tassel
the heavenly band of angels would have a lot of plundering then, if they operated in the manner of the police … the keg, the weed, the hot chicks, and those that were availing themselves of such. The great day of Jehovah is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. It is good to be in fear of this Jehovah, I find, it is a truly life-altering experience taking this Jehovah seriously. Make His peace be upon us all.
"Make his peace" - Did you type that in correctly Spike?
Spike Tassel
lurk3r, the (perhaps) unexpected turn of phrase may work better than what even I thought should have read "May His peace be upon us all." I suppose, upon further analysis, it depends on what Jehovah's truth is on the creation(s) involved. In the context of "the heavenly band of angels plundering", this "Making His peace" would appear more hostile, unless all parties are welcoming it. After all, the one who "loses his soul for Jesus' sake" will "gain it". Loving self-sacrifice is richly rewarded, after all.