is there anyone else wanting to talk about what disturbs them most of all?
This Disturbs Me Most of All
by cameo-d 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lucky Calamity
Those are WONDERFUL questions, cameo-d. Keep on asking them . . . it really pisses off dumb people and makes the smart ones smarter, which is a redundant post, but DANG, them are some good questions!
Spike Tassel
sometimes being disturbed can lead to worthwhile spiritual growth, depending on how the feelings are followed up
cameo-d thank you for the first post on this tread, I found it very insightfull... the hand disturbs me but what disturbs me most of all is that I never noticed it when I first read the book, I never noticed half of the creepy things in WT illustrations, I think thats why I dumpped the books back at the KH when I ceased my studies (i took the rubbish out to the dump LOL).