I live with little respect from my mate ...

by The Berean 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others

    You have been married a long time. Sometimes after so long things seem mundane and you take one another for granted. The communication

    slows down you know each other too well and things become predictable. Often times just by doing little things together, little surprises

    re-news the sparks all over again. Its like dating all over again and it becomes exciting. Marriage is always work but there is lots of history

    together, and its always worth the effort to try your best to make things more smooth. I've been married 31 years now and we are best friends.

    I know it is harder when one is in and one is out, but if you try not to focus on the religion and just try to do other things together it will help. And

    she will not see you as a threat to her being a jw.


  • Gregor

    "Is it ever too late...(to leave an unhappy relationship)?" It is a very subjective decision. The individual must weigh the emotional and financial cost. You may have already realized that after 30 years the complications may be more than you are willing to take on. You sound like a couple that no longer communicates (or maybe you never did) but I can't see the harm in setting down with her and laying out your feelings as stated above and then listen carefully to her response. It might make your decision easy.

  • slimboyfat

    Rebel this comment:

    Personally I always found that submission crap--from the Bible, litter-ature, or from a penis person's lips--terribly offensive.

    Makes you sound just a tad crazed. Is that the intention?

  • mrsjones5

    I think exacerbated would be a better word

  • jamiebowers
    Is it ever too late to walk away and live what's left alone?

    Who says you'd have to be alone?

  • runningonfaith

    It sounds like she squeezed out of you what she could and now you're just dead weight.

    She should be with a real mf for a while, she'll change, sometimes we don't know what we've got until it's gone.

    Anyway, remember that she's under mind control.

  • FlyingHighNow

    If she is in and you are out, think about it: she doesn't respect your "beliefs", now. And then compound that with a long, enduring relationship and you get your current communication issues.

    If things are pretty good otherwise, you can make them a lot better. How? By wooing her just like you did all those years ago. That's right, woo her. Make yourself and your relationship so irresistable that she fears losing it and you. Romance your belle's pantaloons off. Think of it like you just met her and you have decided, somehow, someway she is going to be your bride someday. What would you do to impress her, short of being a JW? Have fun with it. Start out slowly and build.

    People get to settled and they forget to add the magic touches. Don't let the WTBTS get in the way of the magic.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Tell her things like you think she's cute when she's being fiesty. Take her off guard. Disarm her with your charm.

  • Gregor

    Tell her things like you think she's cute when she's being fiesty. Take her off guard. Disarm Disrobe her with your charm.

  • mrsjones5

    Aw hell, make her feel like a woman

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