Hi Jeff,
You post vlaid questions and many would just answer with the word "faith".
I don't roll that way, as the saying goes.
I have 100% faith, belief and hope in God and Jesus, but I don't use that faith as an (easy) answer to all the questions I have.
I was a peackeeper in Bosnia and I saw his love there and I also so the hate that happens when we turn from his love and Grace.
He answers my prayers, though not always the way i want or need him too.
Can God stop all the misery? all the pain and suffering?
If we believe in an omnipotent God than the answer is Yes, Gos can, so why doesn't he?
The typical way I answer that is usualy by pointing out that He does, through Us, Gods love strenghtens us to fix the problem we have, His Love makes it possibel for OUR free will to fix OUR Problems and to make our world that way we want it.
But I don't feel like being typical today...
Let's be honest with ourselves Jeff, we KNOW we can solve almost all the worlds problems, we KNOW this, why don't we?