Sleep well.
by FlyingHighNow 277 Replies latest jw friends
Sleep well.
Has anyone else noticed that when FHN's arguments are challenged to the point where she can no longer defend them logically, she often just ends the thread and goes to bed but won't concede the point?
Cog, have you noticed what time it is? I don't live in China. I have a child to get up for writer's camp and an appointment & then I need to go work. I don't agree with some of you about some of the things you said. You don't agree with me. No one says we all have to all agree.
What? You mean work and taking care of children are more important than arguing with strangers on the internet? Never!!! Maybe that's why I have no job?
My apologies if I made incorrect assumptions about your reasons for leaving us? My bad.
Has anyone else noticed that when FHN's arguments are challenged to the point where she can no longer defend them logically, she often just ends the thread and goes to bed but won't concede the point?Did you realize FHn time zone is 4 hours advanced from yours ?
Elizabeth: Good night, John Boy.
John-Boy: Good night, Elizabeth. Good night, Daddy.
John: Good night, Son. Good night, Mary Ellen.
Mary Ellen: Good night, Daddy. Good night, Mama.
Olivia: Good night, Mary Ellen. Good night, Jim Bob.
Jim Bob: Good night, Mama. Good night, Erin.
Erin: Good night, Jim Bob. Good night, Ben.
Ben: Good night, Erin. Good night, everybody
No I didn't notice that Caliber. In that case, get to bed FHN!! You ought to be spanked, staying up so late on the internet. I don't believe in spanking either, but I'd make an exception for you.
The story on the website listed on the picture is actually rather humorous in relation to this thread... or perhaps it's just me. lol
Holy Smokes!!!!
Twenty-four hours of going on about something trivial in the big scheme of things!!!!
I am not the least bit impressed by good manners anymore than when I see someone wearing a nice suit and tie, those that flaunt that they have money or education.
Not displaying good manners is different than being rude.
FHN, I posted your comments from MrsJones thread for a refresher course on how understanding you were to those children for not having proper manners.
How you wanted Josie to rise to the task
Why not, extend that same courtesy to this Mother?
Why not rise to the task yourself ?
As you have accused a persons' passion for PMS or stress, (I like how you changed that thinking around at the end of the thread BTW)
your passion seems IMO to be a bit over the top.
As six pointed out, let's just get this seating arrangement correct
Possibly, there is some resentment for all the fine manners you displayed as a child, the sacrifices you made, and now you have entitlement and expect
the same behavoiur from kids and their parents now that you have gotten older, because that is how you were taught to treat adults.
I certainly don't see any southern belle charm in this thread.
My older kids were the ones that got the dropped jaws and compliments until I was pregnant with my 3rd and they were 8 and 11. All of the sudden they turned into freaking MONSTERS in public. The entire time I was pregnant, I hated to go out in public with them. Then they turned back into human beings after their brother was born.
Now my 'baby' is nine and gets compliments as to his reasonably decent manners (which he needs to be nudged into sometimes, of course). He asked for a baby sister and I thought 'yeah right!' and asked him why. His new best friend (distant cousin) has baby sisters. I think we will visit there more and get it out of his system. I'm too old for any more! (43) Thank God.
there's always in vitro at 60, like has happened in Italy!!