Hey Cognac! Glad you're still around, fightin' the good fight. :)
**** Some people don't teach their children manners. Grrr. ****
by FlyingHighNow 277 Replies latest jw friends
Yup! And I had an aposta baby too!!! Don't want to hijack this thread so I'll start a new one!
Blues Brothers, Flipper, Finally Free, Crapola, thank all of you very, very much. I appreciate what you've said very deeply. Stonewall, the comments you made and the quotes you expounded on have made a lot more impact than anything I could say. I wish I could say that the mean spirited comments of some of these posters has really surprised me. Not a surprise at all.
I am off to get a life now... thanks. It appears I don't have one at the moment.
John Doe
Does FHN remind anyone else of Hyacinth Bucket from Keeping Up Appearances?
cognizant dissident
FHN: It's great to appreciate all the people who agree with you and validate your belief system, however, I find I learn the most from people who challenge me to think outside of my current perspective. For myself, I consider that even more valuable and worth appreciating.
2413 views, and one GOOD, non biblical read! Well said Cog. Very true.
Sham - I almost spit my drink out after reading your post, lol - you crack me up!
Spike Tassel
Good to see you, lurk3r, "accepting Jesus" has so many practical uses [check your PM inbox]. Accepting Jesus' example of courtesy and friendly, neighbourly interest in others certainly is good practice for all of us, even in a library. Engaging, heartfelt compliments can rather bring out the best in us all and those we meet, even territorial-type people often adapt to genuine personal interest with an invite to share their seating area.
LOLROTF @ John Doe's comment. YES!