He deserves our attention for nothing less than our very being. He feels our every emotion at His core, we were made in His image.
By that word 'deserves' our attention', I take it you mean as in following some ancient superstition book that has been used for centuries to control people's minds and actions by a clergy who interpret and preach from it, which as you know has led many to horrible acts of cruelty, all in the name of a jealous god, who exacts vengeance for slights against his greatness, by either those who worship him or those that worship another Deity.
As far as this god feeling our every emotion or reading our every thought, that's got to be a huge burden even if he's the number one honcho, when one considers how vast the universe is and how many different types of intelligent life forms can exist, and the fact that he has to process that information, and give rewards and punishment accordingly, I have to ask wouldn't he be better off not listening in on all that mind clutter?