Well, i have practiced that for yrs, and i have learned a few things from it. Guess what, though, no jehovah voice. My conclusion - jehovah doesn't exist!!!\
by asilentone 88 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well, i have practiced that for yrs, and i have learned a few things from it. Guess what, though, no jehovah voice. My conclusion - jehovah doesn't exist!!!\
That's for you to pray about, Satanus. Do your best to draw close to Jehovah in sincerity, and He WILL draw close to you (James 4). When it comes to holy spirit, He's willing to give that to you, too, as you work at developing faith and belief in Him (Hebrews 11). John 17 is another key chapter, along with 1 Corinthians 13, and 1 John 4. I hope you find what you're looking for.
'That's for you to pray about, Satanus.'
Says who?? It's been done, like i said for yrs. It's up to jehovah, now. HIS TURN!!!! The deathly silence on the other end tells me what i need to know. He's fucking dead.
'Do your best to draw close to Jehovah in sincerity, and He WILL draw close to you (James 4).'
Just words, or rather, horseshit.
'When it comes to holy spirit, He's willing to give that to you, too, as you work at developing faith and belief in Him (Hebrews 11).'
More horse shit.
' John 17 is another key chapter, along with 1 Corinthians 13, and 1 John 4. I hope you find what you're looking for.'
Oh, I HAVE. And so, i don't need to search, anymre.
crude language won't help you. That's the language of frustration, which I had to get past, once, myself. Fortunately, I don't remember ever writing crude language; it was just in the spoken form. I wish you the best. Peace out.
So Spike, can I not rightly say Jehovah is a absentee true god at best, you can call out to him he hears you but never a reply.
God answers all prayers but some times the answer is "no",, not audibly mind you but the "no" answer comes by way of "no answer". It all seems so fishy if you ask me,, excuses for the true god, come from his believers but never from him,,why is that? could it be he is purely imaginational.
Mighty act of the true god,,recorded in the bible centuries ago,,but now that we have video recorders, never a peep from the true god. I would think if it is so important for this true god to be worshiped and believed in that he would have done a better job at showing us in this 21st century in showing himself with a few powerful works that can be put on video for all to see,, but no he chooses to remain silent but encourages the believers to tell others about his existence and power which he never displays.
JF Rutherford was right religion is a snare and a racquet, even the religion claiming to be the true religion.
our lack of faith in Jehovah prevents Jehovah from helping us
the phrase is "religion is a snare and a racket", not "religion is a snare and a racquet"
ridicule shows a definite deficiency of love on our part
our lack of faith in Jehovah prevents Jehovah from helping us
So does that mean that Jehovah only helps the gullible? And those that want a modicum of proof before they will believe are out of luck for Jehovah won't help them until they become more gullible?
'crude language won't help you. That's the language of frustration, which I had to get past, once, myself.'
Perhaps, you misunderstand. That is the perfect place for the f word. It adds emphasis, perfectly. Frustration when a person finally realizes that he has been praying for decades to a nonentity, given up his youth and the best part of his life to an exploitive, manipulative printing company, that promises given by the above named were null and void the second they were uttered or written, frustration when a person finally sees the truth, is an understatement. Crude language helps me more than a donothing, imaginary god ever has or will.
If he were there, why would god demand faith, before he helped someone. Men do better than that. Paramedics, for instance.
I remember in the bible where Elisha/or Elijah had at test for who was the true god where he had the profits of Bail, call on there god to answer them and consume the sacrifice with fire, and they kept on praying and beating themselves, and still no answer, but Eli-whoever prayed and the true god answered by fire. This bible story was told to show who was the do nothing god and who was the true one.
This make me wonder why was the true able to answer then to vindicate himself and prove that he was the true god,, but today nothing not even a whisper to prove he exist or is indeed the true god.
Why was it so important back then but not now,, surely the true god hasn't changed,, he still want people to believe in him right? So why not a miracle or two so that we can believe in him?? Hmmm? Sound really fishy don't it? Could it be that the true god thingy is just as make beleive as the Easter bunny or Santa Claus?