WTS causing more anguish

by GapingMouth 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Gaping,

    Welcome to our nightmare.

    I am born in too. Long story, short. Married an Anglican, converted her, brought up family in the 'Truth', never baptised myself.

    One thing we do have in common is that it was not our fault. We were just children. Innocent victims. Not so much of our parents, but of the Watchtower.

    You do not need to feel any guilt over what 'you' put your friends and family through from now on. Anything 'bad' that happens is not a result of what you do, but is a result of how your friends and family react to it due to them being under the mind control of a cult.

    Repeat to yourself:

    It is not my fault. It is not my fault. It is not my fault. It is not my fault. It is not my fault. It is not my fault. It is not my fault.



  • Gorbatchov

    Dear GapingMouth,

    I read your story and I wish you all the best. Take care for you and your wife. Don't make decisions to soon. I'm still "in", although the definitions describe me as "in-active". The JWD forum helps me to know we are not alone!

    "History is a capricious character. It depends on who writes it"


  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome to the forum. I have many similarities in my story. Research of the religion led to research of the source of the religion, the Bible.
    While I don't totally dismiss the possibility that God exists, I feel that He will have to contact me directly before I do anything for HIM/in HIS name. I was fooled once.

    I introduced my fading activity to my wife and mother as slowly as I could, but fast enough that they understood that I was searching for the real truth and would not just go along with Watchtower anymore. If you want to retain family relations, you may need to cut back on JW activity and work toward becoming "inactive." Or perhaps, you can just walk away without losing them. Only you would know that. Most will recommend doing personal research in standard books that will help you to settle things in your own mind. My suggestions are COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL and RELEASING THE BONDS by Steve Hassan, CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE and IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM by Ray Franz.

    Not only do these books help you immensely, but they allow you to keep busy focusing on what you are learning and they slow you down enough to keep you from rash decisions. Then when you slow down, you are able to think and decide what you might do to impliment your own removal from the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I'm concerned, though, that you've let the God Delusion talk you into no longer believing in God. I wonder if you've researched Dawkins and checked the references in his book?

    My eyebrows were raised when I found out that Prospect magazine ran a survey in 2005 which bore the result that Dawkins was one of the world's top 3 intellectuals. When the God Delusion came out, Prospect magazine reviewed it. The title of the review was "Dawkins the dogmatist" and the reviewer labelled the book - and Dawkin's arguments - as "incurious, dogmatic, rambling and self-contradictory".

    Dawkins has been inspired by a guy called Antony Flew, who's regarded as one of the fathers of "modern atheism". Flew decided in 2004 that by following the lines of evidence (as a scientist should) he now believes that there is a God. He's written a book about this change in belief called "There is a God".

    Sadly, often a JW would rather a person become an atheist than no longer believe in the Governing Body, but I'm pointing these things out to you as I don't think Dawkins is as transparently honest about the facts as people believe he is. And let's face it, the purpose of the God Delusion, as he admits, is to turn religious people into atheists.

    It never takes long for religious fanatics to hijack threads on here.

    Dawkin's words may be one reason to not believe in God, but the bullshit that most christians come out with is the main reason i do not. If you're not interested in helping people but would rather just preach your theological virus to them then i suggest you avoid posting in threads like this. The thread starter is already having trouble with a cult, don't try and use that against him to tempt him into another cult.

  • leavingwt

    Welcome to the forum!

  • metatron

    Welcome to the board, Gaping.

    My advice? First, if you have problems with OCD, get it treated. You'll feel much better without obsessing and there are some good medications to help with this (I have some experience with this issue).

    Second, just be mindful that we all practise various hypocrisies to be social. It's no big deal. You don't tell your wife that's she's put on weight or your boss that he's an idiot and so on. It's just part of being normal.

    I actually read Flew's book. Yes, he believes in God but I would say it is a very Deistic or Pantheistic sort of God. This is what I accept, also. Instead of asking Who created the Universe, ask who or what maintains it? Why are physical laws uniform over distance and time?

    As to God, I accept Darwins own opinion that belief in God ( or "God", if you prefer) is a necessary part of human evolution. I think he was much wiser than Dawkins about that.


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Dawkins doesn't dispute that it's an important part of our evolution. He just makes the very valid point that we ought to have outgrown it by now.

  • happpyexjw

    GapingMouth, welcome to the board. I'm sad to hear of your struggle. Many of the posters here have had similar experiences and will be here to support you in your situation. Whether to believe in an Almighty God or not is up to you based on your own research and how it fits into your life. No one here or anywhere else, for that matter, can tell you what you should believe. After all, that is the very thing from which you seek to escape right now.

    For many of us, beginning to truly see the destructiveness of the WTS beliefs was a time of exhiliration and fear at the same time. While it is liberating to shed many of the beliefs that have held us back from leading a normal life, it is also scary at times to try and fit into the real world. When we have loved ones who are part of this cult it is even more difficult.

    Spend some time here absorbing the experiences of others and take your time before making any big decisions about what to do next. You are not alone my friend - thousands of others are also trying to make their exit in their own way. What works for you may be entirely different than what works for someone else. I wish you peace and good luck.

  • passwordprotected

    "It never takes long for religious fanatics to hijack threads on here.

    Dawkin's words may be one reason to not believe in God, but the bullshit that most christians come out with is the main reason i do not. If you're not interested in helping people but would rather just preach your theological virus to them then i suggest you avoid posting in threads like this. The thread starter is already having trouble with a cult, don't try and use that against him to tempt him into another cult."

    As you say, Dawkins says we should have outgrown God by now. But we haven't. Why is that? Didn't Nietzsche say back in the 1800s that God was dead? Yet here we are in the 21st Century and people like Dawkins are still trying to insist on something that isn't true, namely we should have outgrown God.

    Anyway, not to derail the thread.

    PS. Keep up the name calling, by the way. It really helps to drive your point home.

  • bohm

    GapingMouth: Welcome to the board! i dont have a lot of add in terms of wisdom - i think mr. flipper said it best. You may want to look up old posts about why they are here/out of the watchtower, that gave me a lot of understanding. Notice this is a board that attract many different people, there are even a couple of (semi)-jws who are so nice as to remind us about what the watchtower can do to a persons abilities to reason.

    About the atheist debate - dont want to add to this treath, just want to state my oppinion: I also found dawkins book and presentations on google video immensely interesting, but so far the logic about what he says has seemed pretty airtight to me. perhaps except the bit about child abuse and religion - i think its propeganda to use that word. thats just my oppion.

    Take care!


    dont appolegize! the longer your post is, the more you give to us to learn from :-)

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