Welcome, Gaping Mouth!
WTS causing more anguish
by GapingMouth 47 Replies latest jw experiences
Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot; common denominator? Wanted a world without religion. Oh, and atheism. They were morally autonomous and they murdered a lot of people along the way.
Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Richard Dawkins, Gene Roddenberry, Kurt Vonnegut, Isaac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Brock Chisholm, Julian Huxley, Richard Leakey, A. Philip Randolf, Carl Rogers, Bertrand Russell, Jonas Salk, Andrei Sakharov, Julius Axelrod, William Bateson, etc.
Common denominator? They lived a life without religion. They were morally autonomous and they saved a lot of lives and improved a lot of lives along the way.
Welcome Gaping, this is a good place for you to be. I'm really sorry the WT has caused you so much grief. I know you will like hanging out here.
Psychotic Parrot
Sorry for hijacking your thread gaping.
Hope everything turns out okay for you
As you can see, there is the odd flame war here, but that's always the way it is on the internets
You CAN get your wife free. Do your homework and take it slow.
Get yourself a copy of Combatting Cult Mind Control. It helped me a lot when dealing with my wife.
I think it's important to set a deadline. You can't keep lying indefinitely. For me, my goal was 1 year. Turned out I only needed about 4 months.
Having a child is a good thing. For us it was a major motivating factor in leaving - to protect the kids from having to grow up in such a restrictive society. We might have just stayed in for the friends and family otherwise.
jonathan dough
My advice, first, spend time learning Bible truth and beat them with facts and logic. They can't win.
There's a war chest of proof right here: http://www.144000.110mb.com/
Try rethinking your stand on atheism. God will show you the way out of your predicament but not if you reject Him. He doesn't want to be around people who don't want anything to do with Him. I knew an atheist who ended up commiting murder, not that all of them do, of course, but if you sweep it clean Satan and his minions will find a way to enter your abode.
If you want to hear God speak to you, and if your heart is in the right place, get a real Bible, NOT the NWT, and immerse yourself in it. That is your only hope.
Threads that turn out like this are part of the reason I do not post here any longer. I was here for years after the board (then known as JWD) helped me to adjust to post-Witness life. I hoped, and I think partially succeeded, to help people cope with the turmoil and stresses that arise upon taking action after learning that the JW religion is a snare and a racket.
It used to be that people could get real help, and I believe some actually still do. However, there are those who (like Parrot, Metatron and J. Dough on this thread) think they must witness about how much better someone exiting the JW's would be if only they followed THEIR particular belief system. What is it, insecurity, that apparently causes people to break into a thread due to a fear that a new poster like Gaping Mouth might come to think differently than they do? Maybe there is a measure of good intention, but folks -- atheism vs. belief is NOT what this thread is about.
I have become atheist, but (as a rule) would only post on threads where that was the topic.
Gaping Mouth may or may not come back to this forum after 2 posts, who knows. But he specifically asked that the thread not be hijacked, meaning that it should not devolve into something unrelated to his major concern which he clearly expressed in the original post. His wish should have been granted, especially if you wanted to see him here as a regular poster.
To Gaping Mouth, I wish you the best on your journey as you adapt to independent, rational thinking while trying to balance that against the pressures of being married into the JW's and trying to preserve your relationship with your new daughter.
To posters who are reasonably trying to help new ones, keep at it as long as you have the heart to do so.
Psychotic Parrot
Me? I don't have a belief system
What the fuck are you talking about! I'm an atheist you dipshit! Try actually reading my posts before you make sweeping comments about you absolute twat.
Try rethinking your stand on atheism. God will show you the way out of your predicament but not if you reject Him. He doesn't want to be around people who don't want anything to do with Him. I knew an atheist who ended up commiting murder, not that all of them do, of course, but if you sweep it clean Satan and his minions will find a way to enter your abode.
If you want to hear God speak to you, and if your heart is in the right place, get a real Bible, NOT the NWT, and immerse yourself in it. That is your only hope.
And you can fuck off too.
Apologies to Psychotic Parrot, I had a brain fart and got my posters with initials "PP" mixed up. I was thinking of PasswordProtected.
No need to use obscene language -- that violates posting guideline #3.
slow down........deep breath.........and call me.......or email me.......you will need to pm me first for that.....letter icon top right of page.....oompa
oh....and do i feel your pain???........YA!!!.......i feel it bro...........