Reniaa said:
People sometimes only get attention because they state an apposing viewpoint if tomorrow I suddenly started spouting apostate rhetoric I would be lovebombed for a whole thread and then I would sink into obscurity. bonafide it is not attention seeking to want to state your opinion and I can't help it if others want to slap me down because they do not agree with it.
This site is extremely Biased against witnesses your threads are a classic example of feeding this anti-witness agenda, often baiting thread to draw out megative viewpoints only but I wouldn't be on here if the site didn't call itself so many people find it by accident and in their innocence believe the lies and half-truths twisted to suit apostate ends. If in a small way I can make someone sit back and realise the apostate agenda on here for what it is. then I consider I have done a good Job.
My reply: Reniaa, you get attention becuase of your ridiculous staements, as well as yourprofessed deep belief in the WT system while being on a site you know they oppose. YOu get negative attention for making up a story that you have a handicapped child- something you ought to be ashamed of yourself for. So you get attention as a mentally unstable person who needs professional help.
YOu are also full of it that you are only here because the site says "JW" and noble you want to defend the name in case an unsuspecting person comes here. That excuse would not fly with the WT, and someone coming here is likely already doubting anyway. Again reniaa, you need meds.