Can we blame our ancestors for our own shortcomings?

by undercover 443 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    The wiki piece you are quoting from doesn't support your conclusion. Extenuating cicumstances when taken into consideration mean that instead of the jury meting out punishment the Judge does. The jury still reach a verdict of guilty or not guilty based on the evidence. Your "less at fault" scenario is a figment of your imagination .

    Extenuating circumstances means exactly what I posted--that the punishment is reduced. Reduced punishment effectively means less fault. These are facts.

  • John Doe
  • John Doe
  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • mrsjones5

    "They are Kenyan, which participated very little, if at all, in the slave trade to the Americas."

    Not that it matters but there was a lucrative slave trade in Kenya but just not to the Americas:

    "The 18th century brought an emphasis on rebuilding the cities and reestablishing the once thriving trade routes. Under the leadership of the Sultan of Oman, Seyyid Said, the Arabs worked to regain economic and political supremacy over the region. The island of Zanzibar quickly became the center of a very lucrative trade in slaves and ivory from the interior and spices from the island itself.

  • beksbks
    Oh, oh. That means Obama can't use the "Vick" excuse the next time he screws up (which will be the next time he opens his mouth).

    Maybe he can use the Farkel excuse!

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