How about a new happy thread...the best thing that happened to you this month!

by restrangled 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    The best thing for me....

    My son stopped over and he realized he needs to buy a we quickly did a run on the internet in our neighborhood and he found a jewel.

    Whether he gets it or was fun for both my husband and myself to go see, help him ask questions and give him the OK.

    It's probably just a dream, but reminded us of our younger days.

    How was your day? Something happy please!!!! We have enough horrible negatives going on right now.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Sitting watching TV with my grandchildren who out of the blue will say "Grandma, I love you". Whoa. No prompting no talking about other things. Just totally unexpected.

    It's luverly

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    We just got back from a three day trip to the Gulf of Mexico! The kids were so much braver in the water than me!

    And for the icing on the daddy will be here for a visit Friday! He didn't stop by when they were close over the winter and they were in Florida because my mother is shunning me. He's making the 850 mile trip all by his lonesome to come see us! Yea!

  • VoidEater

    300 new Neon Genesis Evangelion wallpapers, mostly fanart, some screencaps

  • SnakesInTheTower

    huh...can't think of anything at all....pretty boring month....

    Snakes (Rich )

  • chickpea

    FINALLY finished the 3
    required sections of
    anatomy and physiology,
    which started in july 2008!

    GPA 3.95


  • restrangled

    Lady Lee, Kitten whiskers, and Chickpea...sometimes life feels really good doesn't it? I know there was some small thing that made you feel good this month...! If you can't think of anything, start doing this...start a change jar...pick up every single coin even if it's a penny...throw it into that jar. At the end of the month go cash the jar'll probably have $50.00 never knew thats a good event isn't it?

    Let me know about 31 days from now.!!!!!!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Snakes, wipe that cheesy grin off yer face.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I won the multi state lottery and am currently on a 3 month world cruise.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Lets see, are we talking July or the last 30 days? (sorry, thats the old literal me popping out...)

    I had one happy experience that I can't share for the sake of privacy, but, I have friends. One day, I hope to share it with y'all. But I have friends.

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