How about a new happy thread...the best thing that happened to you this month!

by restrangled 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    This month has been full of good times :

    We had a great family trip to Colorado . Talked my scared Daughter in law into white water rafting and we SURVIVED !!

    Took some beautiful pictures while hiking in Colorado mountains .

    Got to pan for gold and did some awesome rock hounding (I refuse to believe my Gold find is only pyrite ! So don't even bother .)

    Spent a great weekend in Chicago with crazy friends who drank themselves back to Union Station in time for the train home.

    This weekend will be full with another trip to Chicago for a wedding and back home for my SIL's birthday party .

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Hillary Step bought me coffee yesterday.
    No way!
    Yes Way! lol What are you jealous BTS?
    I am!!! I liked that guy.

    Me too Beks, but I hope he isn't lurking and reads this thread or he will think I'm pretty pathetic if that was the highlight of my month! (Hey it's been a bad month for me!) Actualy, I had another pretty cool thing happen on the first weekend of this month. A woman who was one of my closest JW friends, left her husband and "the troof" about 10 years ago. She just assumed all her JW friends would shun her and so she moved and left no address or number and I lost contact with her. That was the beginning of my serious doubts and shunning is something I've never agreed with or done even as a JW. I've had all these old school chums contacting me on facebook, so I thought I would try to find her there. I found her daughter and asked her to contact her mom and ask if she would email or phone me. She did right away! We talked back and forth for a few months, then I invited to stay and she came. We picked up where we left off, like 10 years hadn't even gone by. Nice how you can just do that with some people eh? Since leaving, I have made a few good friends from JWD: Belbab and his wife, Hillary Step, and Ilbh. It's nice to know there are some great men out there (there sure aren't many in the org; I guess all the smart ones leave!). However, one thing I really miss is the close women friends I had while in. I really feel that companionship of women is the only thing I lost on leaving. So, now I have a girlfriend again! She sends me recipes and we went to a chick flick and actually cried! (Don't see"My Sister's Keeper" unless you are in the mood to bawl!) So that's too good things that happened to me this month!

  • InOregon

    First I must mention the worst thing that happened to me this month...I lost my job. The best thing that happened to me this month is that I started a new job 7 days later for more money!!

  • beksbks

    Great news Cog! Women friends seem to be hard to find in general. Good for you.

  • beksbks

    Congratulation InOregon!

  • mrsjones5

    I got to speak to a few JWNers on the phone.

  • allelsefails

    I got re-hired by my company (previously with for 10 years). Just found out today I'll be running my department agiain. Almost a year on unemployment - not fun. Getting hied - Awesome.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Yea for everybody! So glad for the ones who got the new jobs! What a relief and blessing in these times! basically you got a week vacation and a raise! WooHoo! Awesome! (except for the worry on the vacation!)'s nice to be searched out again! You must have left a great impression!

    So many good things for everybody! Great thread Restangled!

  • designs

    Watching my grandson learn to walk

    Seeing thousands turn out on the weekends to help clean up the local Beaches.

  • Chalam

    Cool thread!

    My son got chicken pox (for the second time) and was developing a few spots.

    My wife and some friends prayed for him round at a friend house.

    Someone had a vision that when he came out of the bath, the spots were left in there Acts 2:17

    As it was, unbeknown to them, I was probably at home giving him a bath at the time.

    Anyhow, no more spots came at all, not a single one :)

    Also, my six year daughter had a prophetic dream last night. I always ask the Lord to keep her from nightmares and give her dreams of the Kingdom. This is the first time, I heard her telling her mum this morning "I had a dream last night" so I went and checked it out :) Sure, enough the Lord spoke to me when I heard it and I was encouraged.

    All the best,


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