How about a new happy thread...the best thing that happened to you this month!

by restrangled 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    Oh Restrangled I am! He's a wonderful guy and every day I find more and more reasons to love him.


  • restrangled

    All my best wishes for a happy future Lola, and remember this happy time!!!!


  • lola28

    Thank you R. and i will remember these happy times, and to help me remember I've saved all the letters in a box,lol


  • Heaven

    I passed the rough-in electrical inspection for my basement completion project. Onward now with the actual hook-up to power (which we've done and it works! ) and the re-wiring of the landing light which is a bit finicky and is still yet to be done.

  • Gregor

    ...and the re-wiring of the landing light which is a bit finicky and is still yet to be done.

    But very important for safe landings.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Every day for the last week I have gotten a love letter from my boyfriend in the mail. A few days ago he sent one listing all the reasons that he loved me along with a beautiful Welsh love spoon. I think I managed to find myself a keeper! Lola

    Lola, I hope so much that he is a keeper and you enjoy an amazing journey together.

    My daughter came last weekend. Haven't seen her in two years. Also got some word on Mickey my other grandson. My daughter's fiance is sweet to her. He reorganized my pantry for me and got us a Costco membership.

    Work has been slow, but it's the dream boss and team anyone in sales could want. I love my coworkers and job.

  • ataloa

    A few months ago, I signed a contract to buy this cute little place on a lake. Right before closing, I was hit with the news that ownership was being contested and would be tied up with the lawyers. My real estate agent sent me a form to sign to release the sellers and get my earnest money back.

    I left it lying around as long as I could, as I had gotten emotionally attached and didn't want to let it go. I left town for the weekend to attend a closing for the sale of a house I'd had on the market for a year. So with money burning a hole in my pocket, I felt a little better about losing the other place. When I got back home I signed the paper, said goodbye to my own little boathouse, and mailed it off.

    My real estate agent called about three days after it should have arrived. When the post office finally delivered it, it was mangled too badly to be used. BUT......just that day, the seller called to say everything was squared away legally and they wanted to follow through with the original contract!

    So that's the very best thing that happened this month. The icing on the cake was that (by some miracle) I won the monthly JWD Trivia game! I know I'm pathetic but it made me happy. Oh, and I caught crappie for lunch one day. Mmmmmmmm.

    Thanks for this thread, Restrangled. It felt good to read all the positive things.

  • Lucky Calamity
    Lucky Calamity

    I went from full-time to part-time at work and I'm totally okay with it!

  • FlyingHighNow

    ataloa, I'm so happy for you. I have to pretend my apartment is a cute little cottage on the "lake." From my living room & office, the pond, surrounded by fir and hardwoods, looks just like a lake.

  • ataloa

    Thanks, FHN. Isn't it wonderful to look out the window and see water? So soothing and peaceful.

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