Sure people eat too much, they smoke (numbers are waayyy down) and they don't exercise as much as they should and? Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Hernia, Broken Bones, Heart Attack, Type 1 Diabetes - the list goes on and all of those are not necessarily attributable to obesity. That's a catch all these days and if we are going to blame the patient, blame us all as a society - just this week, an 'expert' on television (the major source of education for a lot of people) said that while travelling on the road you should eat at McDonalds and Wendy's and Burger King. She should have said, grab an apple and a bottle of water from any truck stop - but she didn't. Lot's of blame to go around.
Bottom line is aren't obese people entitled to health care?
We could take this cause and apply it all over - you've got people living in houses up in the hills of California - maybe all of them should have to pay a property tax of 200% the worth of their house because the fire services to keep battling wild fires and saving their houses is costing the rest of the State too much money. They choose to live there after all. All the people living along the rivers should pay property taxes 200% of their value so as not to burden the rest of the population with costs when their homes flood...we can take cause and effect in all instances and apply them and blame, but it doesn't solve all the problems does it?