My response to Dave
don't know you. I only know that you are opposed to "free" health care. What else can I assume? Since there is no option for free basic care currently available from private souces that can be made available to everyone in the country, it is up to the national government to provide something, anything.
There is no such thing as "free health care." Someone is paying for it. We pay now. We will pay more if the gov. is in charge. At the present time, under the law, if you go to an emergency room, they cannot refuse treatment because you have no insurance.
So you just assume that I am a selfish person because I don't agree with you? What else can you assume? Maybe that I have good reasons to have a different opinion than you.
Besides, I am an American. I am single and have no children. I have worked hard for a living. I am currently unemployed. My previous job had no benefits. The local economy is in bad shape. I'm using my savings and moving back in with JW family.
After my divorce, as a single mother, I earned very little. We had the basics and little more. I found a way to make sure my kids had coverage. I understand that it's tough. The local economy where my daughter lives is awful. She struggles. Her pay has been cut to be able to keep her job. Her daughter was in a horrific accident 2 days into my grandson's walk. She has maintained insurance...fortunately for my granddaughter whose hospital stay and surgeries were enormous. Yet, look at what my daughter has been able to do. David will arrive in DC tomorrow morning. You want to talk about a real community organizer? Just take a look at what a 14 year old can do. In addition, she has taken people into her home to help them, as I did when she was growing up. I think you sell the American people short when you think that the government has to take care of us. I think we are all capable of more than we think we are. Most of the homeless shelters are not gov. run. They are run by churches or private groups of people who see a need and try to help.
I'm really a very conservative person. I don't want to ask for assistance. I don't trust the government either. I have no chronic illness that I am aware of, but what if I did?
I agree that something needs to be done about the system. I agree that those in need should be provided for. I do not think that the government needs to take over the system to make that happen.
The best shelters (and they are not gov. run) provide not just a place to stay, , but transitional housing and training and medical treatment to survive in the real world. They are given a place to live and training to get a job. They stay until they earn enough to get started on thier own. (a limited time) Over time they become self sufficient.
I stand by what I said about property values and the attitudes of (some?, many?, a majority?) Americans. Just Google "tent cities" for current news stories about local governments evicting homeless people for violating codes. Even churches that offer a place for homeless to set up tents are being harassed. Why should it matter if poor people set up shelters on public or donated land except that those with property are selfishly afraid of losing wealth?
You are right...My grandson has run into this on his journey. In Myrtle beach, homeless people are harrassed. He wrote about it on his blog. The politicians don't like homeless people to be visible....hurts thier image. This is true in many areas. For there to be a large population of homeless in an area makes the place look bad... which is why politician in general don't want it to be publicized. Do you think that it hurts the gov. image for there to be 1.5 million homeless children in our own country? There have been many politicians contacted about David's journey, how many do you think have responded? The president has been contacted about this by a number of influential people (not just the petition). Do you think he responded? Trusting the politicians to make a real change is very naive. This is just another reason why nanny government is not the answer.
I am very much concerned about the plight of homeless and poor people, just as you are, because I am poor, though not as poor as some. I am fortunate enough to have family support.
Family support is very important...and is a much better answer than what the government offers. So when that is available, that's great. But if there is no family support, then there should be an safety net... which doesn't mean a wholsale government takeover. Have you read the bill/s? I'm in the process of trudging through it now.... I think everyone should, so we know what's in store for us..