Anyone heard of Watchtower policy change concerning pedophiles

by Robert_V_Frazier 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I actually LOVE the policy you outlined. Good job!

    My point in asking and interacting with you has been to get to this point -- we agree that the present policy is not working and you've agreed another policy is better.

    Then WHY do Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to make real, appreciable differences? As I said earlier, if they want to insist on holding to the two witness rule, not a Biblical command, then why not use a conviction in court as the second witness? Why insist on maintaining the current structure as-is? I know they know thousands and thousands of people have been hurt this rule, how many other thousands have left because of what they saw?

    There is no logical reason for them to refuse to change other than they want silence from abuse victims. I have maintained for some years that Jehovah's Witnesses have the child abuse policy that they do because they do not want distractions from selling magazines door-to-door. Child abuse distracts the congregation, even an entire circuit, and that cannnot be permitted.

    IF Jehovah's Witnesses were truly interested in protecting children, and separating sexual offenders, spiritual wolves amongst the flock, then real changes would have been made years ago. That they do not, and I'm sorry but suspending privilieges is pretty weak, says a great deal about their real motivation.

    I've asked several times, what do they do to Elders Gone Wild? What procedures are in place to correct the hideous treatment given to abuse victims? And then there are the multiple stories of offenders convicted in court, and yet no action is taken by Jehovah's Witnesses whatsoever. WHY?

    The logical, dispassionate answer is the one I maintain -- anything that distracts the congregation from selling magazines must be cut off, put aside, ignored or thrown away. People be damned.

    As I've said Sola, you strike me as a good guy, trying your best, but the vast majority of elders are nowhere near your ethical level. As a result, people have been hurt, are being hurt now and will be hurt in the future. That Jehovah's Witnesses do not address this issue says a great deal.

    This fundamental reason is why I left. A religion is supposed to be the ideal, the inspiration for achieving a better self and a better world. Therefore religion must be held to a higher standard than say a business. But when religion falls so short and behaves immorally, unethically and sometimes illegally, then it no longer deserves any devotion whatsoever.

    I said 20 years ago the two witness rule is evil. And I reasoned that wherever there is evil, the god of the Bible, the god of Love, will not exist or have any dealings with in any way whatsoever. Nothing in our discussion has changed my mind.

    Be well,


  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Are you saying Bethal has to be told and then the police or that someone tells Bethal and leaves it at that??

    I'd like to check with my elders see what they say because thats completely wrong!!! I dont agree.Id definately tell the police,afterall aslong as im doing whats right in Jehovahs eyes thats all that matters,I was baptised for Jehovah not man.

    Please let me know as im really interested and yes i have written to bethal before,if i dont agree i wont cause distruption but i wont remain quiet,I'll always check things out.My congregation seem ok with far

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Angel Eyes

    The first, most important rule elders have is to call the Legal Department at Bethel. They will ask what state in the United States the elder lives in. IF the state has a law that says child abuse MUST be reported to the police, they will tell the elder to make the call.

    If, however, it is a state that does NOT have this law, the Legal Department will tell the elder he doesn't have to do a thing.

    Meanwhile there is a sexual offender running around the congregation, going to children's skating parties . . . . .

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    That just the case over there?? Ive never heard of that over here in England but im definately going to speak with our elders because I dont agree,they should be reported no matter what. Id tell elders and ring the police,Jehovah wouldnt want them in the congregation and if they were truly repentant then they would want to confess,so either way telling the police works for their best interesrt and of course the victims!!!

  • jookbeard

    AA, jeeehoobah doesn't give a flying fuck weather they are in the cong or not hence the thousands of case's that get exposed world wide, even in the UK there have been case's where the elders have done fuck all , leaving the victim to have to speak with police, your evil God jeehoobah doesn't give a shit, trust me.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Shame you have been so hurt by ones in the truth but it doesnt mean Jah is evil,far from it.

    He gave his only begotten son for all of us,you included and even though you hate him he understands your pain and still loves you.Thats a God i want to follow always. When someone speaks so agressively it shows pain and because its pain thats talking its clear you dont really hate Jah,you hate the people who have hurt you in the past. I know when you were growing up in the truth it was strict...very strict,you werent allowed to do so much,I can truly appreciate how many have handled the truth and its teachings wrong,but many out of love....sadly thats pushed so many of our brothers away yet they have left Jehovah.....what has that proved???

    xxxxxx angel eyes xxxxxxxxxx

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Practicing the Truth is always the right thing to do: Prayer, Study, Association, Listening, Meetings, Service. That's the responsibility of all, to prove repentance, whether the sin is pedophilia or withholding our prayers for such pedophilia. Jehovah hasn't changed on this. Note 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. I suspect that repentant pedophiles are just like repentant abortionists and repentant soldiers and repentant corrupt politicians: you don't find many of them because even those who DO pray tend NOT to pray for THESE kinds of sinners. Let us pray for our enemy and those who despitefully use us, AS THE GOOD BOOK COMMANDS, that we ALL might be blessed as a result of our balanced, forgiving spirit.

  • jookbeard

    AA do your elders know you post on this apostate forum?

  • mrsjones5

    I've never seen a jw apologist with the guts to go to the elders about coming to and being a member of this forum

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    a forum cannot be apostate, only ideas can be. They can be heard anywhere, including at any Kingdom Hall. Let the reader use discernment. Doing things Jehovah's way, we can never be stumbled. (Psalm 119:165)

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