Ok, so my Mom sneaked a WT literature into my kids pack when they stayed at her home on tuesday, the one that says that Satan is the ruler of this world.
So my little one Sofia shows me and says, "See Daddy, Satan is ruling this world".
I take a look and read the literature and I tell me little one that, "No honey, while satan can and does try to influence us and succeds many times, God is all powerful and God gace to his son Jesus, all the authority in heaven AND on Earth" and I showed her the passage from Matthew.
A also told her that, why we must never forget that Satan tempts us that he has no power over us, other then the power we give him, Jesus is our Lord and all power rests in him.
Of course, Today when I dropped her and her little sister at my Mom's ( she likes them to come over on Tuesday's and Thursday's), she was ready to ask if I had read that pamphlet, which I said I did, and of course she replied how Satan is the ruler of this system of things.
I countered that I know only one Lord and that is the Son of God Jesus, and I know only One God and no one else rules above them and asked my Mom where in the bible does it show Jesus and God SUBJECt to Satan.
As you can imagine, that went over well !!
I bring this up because of the thread on John 12:31.
So I ask, who is the ruler of this world in the biblical context?