IF it is NOT wise for a man to be ALONE with a woman he's NOT married to …

by Spike Tassel 275 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • isaacaustin

    or in your case, it would seem to be stupidity...you kinda seem like the whipping boy in school who every bullies, and you keep coming back for more.

    Your statement that you will continue to attend the KH because you gave the elders your word is quite laughable (like your whole story). It would seem to me prior to you(I won't call it a conversion, perhaps an obsession to fit in with or be a JW) you were fixated in another group. Did you also give them your word? Does that make you dishonest?

    You said:

    The DF'd sister (the one at my KH whom I refer to in this Topic) supports my expressive singing, and note-taking, and improvements in dress/ grooming with those of her own (though it took a while for her to catch on), though I've never really had much of a conversation with her, since she was under the wing of a pioneer almost as soon as she moved in, and shortly after, the announcement was made.

    My reply: A dfed individual is under the wing of a pioneer after the annoucement of her dfing??? More BS. You are a joke. DFED ones are shunned, not taken under the wing. My suggestion to you, stop pretending and come to reality.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    And, trust takes time and the right angles, especially time, I find. It is NO wonder that Jesus would say, every once in a while to "rest up a bit". It helps people actually get to KNOW one another, heart to heart, finding COMMON ground, instead of being PRICKLY. After all, to paraphrase Jack J. Blanco's take on Matthew 7:17, People who have prickly dispositions are NOT the ones we want to depend on for spiritual advice (even here on JWN).

  • isaacaustin

    so deep a sentiment, but also a nice topic changer when caught in your own gibberish...like my 5 sentences.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Isaac's reading comprehension is NOT very good, I MUST say. He is in violation of James 1:19-20, which states 19 Know this, my beloved brothers. Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about spearking, slow about wrath; 20 for man's wrath does not work out God's righteousness.

    Here it is again. Nice and slow. Just for Isaac, and co.

    The sister moved in. She was soon under the wing of a pioneer. I hardly got to meet her. Then I got basically DF'd. After quite a while, then the sister got DF'd. Now do you "git" it?

    It is Isaac that must stop pretending and come to reality.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have been sort of ignoring Spike and posting once in awhile to his thoughts.
    Well, he's used that up. I will totally ignore Spike and suggest that others do the same.

    He's so full of it. He gets caught in his lies and ignorance about JW stuff so he backs off on the story.
    Suddenly, he's "basically DF'd" even though he continued to deny that and said his baptism was anulled.

    Now, after goofing the scenario with this sister under a pioneer's wing, he figures out what we are saying and changes it to try to fit our accurate understanding of such a possibility.

    Spike must get into the mind of his character and decide whether he's supposed to be mad that we don't "git it" or if he's frustrated that he doesn't understand things or doesn't explain things well. Total troll, total fake. Stop poking the troll with a stick and just ignore him. He'll come back as a completely different person later, but we'll get a break if we ignore him/her/it.

  • isaacaustin

    LOL Spike I am in reality just fine. Your wording was quite ambiguous there, or perhaps you are changing it now to suit the reality in the org- of which you know nothing. Either way, ignoring you is probably the best thing. We've already caught you up in your words enough times.

  • CrimsonBleu

    Can we look at the value of the nature of his words, rather than seeking to find something to make accustations with?

    I can see right through his words and understand him.

    What part of Aspergers don't you understand?

    No, he is not using that as a crutch, no more than I use my being blind as one. And yes, I have 10% vision. But my mind can see much more than my physical eyes can.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Thank you, CrimsonBleu. Humble people understand other humble people quite well. The proud don't even understand each other, it seems. If the difference between an attitude of peace and and an attitude of war.

    With CrimsonBleu's empathy (to use her as an example), I am better able to say what needs to be said. Thank you, again, CrimsonBleu.

  • undercover
    Love believes all things, actually.

    Then love is a gullible fool...

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    No, "believing all things" is actually not the same as being "gullible". It is a matter of being "spiritually discerning" versus "spiritually naïve". The one who "believes all things" is working with 1 Corinthians 13 as the basis for the true measure of substance. The gullible is too inexperienced to measure correctly, and is thus easily deceived.

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