Issac, AE's best bet is to log onto Commentary Press, get herself copies of Ray Franz's CoC/ISOCF, Penton's Apocalypse Delayed, and Carl Olaf Johnson's The Sign of the Last Days,When? and The Gentile Times Reconsidered, 5 works that should be in every one's library, if I had the copies myself I would lend them to her, sadly they went through an involuntary burning
Angel Eye needs an education on the identity and nature of Christ
by jonathan dough 115 Replies latest watchtower bible
From what I read:
Godhead shows up in Acts 17:29 ( Theios), ROM 1:20 (Theiotes) and COL 2:9 (Theotes) and from what I read:
Theios was the "general" greek term for Deities ( Deity), Theiotes was the term for divinity and Theotes was yet another term for Deity or the State of being a Deity ( God).
I agree JB. AE, Ray Franz wrote a very gentle, non-critiacal yet factual account of how the organization is run, from his own direct experience in his 9 yrs on the gov body. Please, read his book. If you sense any aggression or bitterness at any time in his book, then fine, drop it. Give it a chance. Please.
jonathan dough
Godhead shows up in Acts 17:29 ( Theios), ROM 1:20 (Theiotes) and COL 2:9 (Theotes) and from what I read:
Theios was the "general" greek term for Deities ( Deity), Theiotes was the term for divinity and Theotes was yet another term for Deity or the State of being a Deity ( God).
We're dealing with Col. 2:9. Strong and Vines are right about this; theotes here means The God, not A god or mere divineness. Acts 17:29 and Rom 1:20 don't weaken their position. It comports with all of the other proofs I provided links for above.
Issac you have a PM
angel eyes
Matt 26v39..Jesus talks to God saying "If it is possible let this cup pass from me".... are you saying he was talking to himself??
John 8v17,18 "Jesus says the farther who sent him"....
Before Col 1v15 the firstborn is mentioned 30times,, the firstborn of Israel is one of the sons of Israel. The firstborn of Pharoah is one of Pharoahs family.Jesus was Gods first born.
In Mark 13 he speaks of that day and hour no one knows not even the son or angels in the heavens...If Jesus was God he would know,it doesnt make any sense that Jesus would be God for he clearly doesnt even know the hour yet Jehovah does.
I will research more issaac but no wont touch anything to do with Ray franz,i heard one of his conferences via utube once and he was spiteful. If someone leaves Jah or leaves the org that is up to them,but to turn against my loving God and slate him...I will never listen to such slander,im sorry but i cant.
Ray Franz has NEVER said anything against God, EVER, if you heard this pelase show all of us here.
You said you saw it on Youtube, which video?
angel eyes
I saw it few months ago....long before on here and it was in his language...whatever that is...but it was translated.... I dont even know how on earth i got onto wasnt intended,i also saw a book think was his..him on the front with a lovely border collie dog.....again i dont know how i got that as id never google Ray franz???????
Ray's language is english...
AE, I think you really need to research a lot more than you do right now...
Just read the book, Angel Eyes.
What have you to lose?