Welcom-this is a wonderful to come to when you discover the real "truth". It has been a tremendous help to me and many others. Stick around and you will find the peace that your life deserves.
I'm new, let me introduce myself
by no lies please 57 Replies latest jw friends
A warm wobbly welcome from me too!
You haven't said if you are TOO bothered about being either DF'd or DA'd, but there are ways of continueing your fade and not giving them the chance to hold a J.C if you want to, but you have to tread a wary path. Ask away on here whatever you decide,and whatever you are feeling we can help too !
Some of us have gone from grieving to almost suicidal, and yet been helped by the love and support on this board to come through, and end up happy and FREE !
Great to have you with us, all the best for a wonderful future,
lifelong humanist
no lies please
A warm welcome awaits you here!
It sounds as if some of your former friends are determined to come and get you, but that needn't be the case. What you decide to do is entirely up to you - so, take your time and think things through to their logical conclusion - try not to do anything in the heat of the moment. Your extensive experience of how the judicial side of JWs will be bound to be a help for you - maybe you even used some of their 'dirty tricks' yourself at one time?. This, together with a lot of experience at a mid-level in JW politics will also stand you in good stead. So, we'll all just lie back, be patient and wait to see how things transpire for you at this awkward time.
I'm sure that if you decide to elaborate on your concerns about the so-called Truth, plenty of members will rally round - and, for the most part, the love is unconditional.
I'm sure you'll be just fine!
When I realized that JWs were just another small, nut nasty, cult, I DAd myself ASAP. THat was 6 years ago. The time has flown by, and my efforts are directed primarily to free my wife.
lifelong humanist
Another welcome from Australia. Your comment of grieving fits perfectly, and as with grieving it takes months to really feel like you are back on your feet, but hang in there as it does get better with time.
I would recommend not meeting with the elders. No good can come of it and you risk saying things that will cause trouble. As your name says "no lies please" you will find it hard to answer questions honestly without ending up disfellowshipped.
Hello NLP,
Welcome and I wish you the best on how you handle your exit. It does take some time to get over what has been put into our minds by the JW teachings but you have 90% of the battle already won by having family who are not JW's. That give you an edge that many would be jealous of.
Take care,
HappyDad (ex elder and ex JW)
All the best with that. It's not easy, but doing what you know and feel to be right is so very empowering.
Open mind
Without revealing anything personally identifying, do you have a wife or children?
Oh, and, welcome!
Welcome aboard, and hang in there.