From a fellow ex-regular pioneer & elder - welcome. Most of us can relate to what you are going through - it is like coping with a death or divorce. Don't do anything drastic - go with the flow & see how things pan out.
I'm new, let me introduce myself
by no lies please 57 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, NLP: I love your name. Having no (believing) wife and kids and no family "in" makes it 100x easier. I went through the same feelings of grief and loss but b/c I have literally ALL my fam plus husband in, I am walking a tightrope. I really like what -- oh dear, who said it, I can't recall -- another poster said about a friend of theirs who simply replied that he'd made an informed decision not to attend for now. Wow, I think I might try that. Thanks for sharing, dear poster who I cannot recall.
Anyway, NLP, welcome welcome and know that you are among friend who have walked over the same hot coals and lived to tell about it! We are interested in your story, especially how you came to your conclusions re the org, if and when you are ready to share.
Embrace your family("worldly"), I have found them to be quite forgiving. Good luck.
I would like to welcome you too and ditto the above comments. My JW parents and JW relies villified the non JW's but although far from perfect,they are for the most part straightforward and functional.
Enjoy the journey, there is a happy ending.
kitten whiskers
Welcome and thank you for sharing!
I hope you find yourself comforted here and find the real joy and peace we can have outside of the Witnesses! It takes a while to work things through and make the decisions for yourself that were "served" to you before at the Kingdom Hall. (I was raised as a JW, so it was ingrained). But you will find peace and happiness as you do!
No lies please,
With a name like that, how can you possibly stay in the Org.
I found in my time rubbing shoulders with them, it is second nature for them to lie, even when confronted with this lie, they will still carry on digging this hole. I have always had an intense dislike for them for this very reason.(someone else always comes off worse, never them).
Think carefully about your exit strategy, you only get one stab at it.
Hi NLP and welcome!
With a name like that, how can you possibly stay in the Org.
Agreed! Great name, great advise.
2 Corinthians 6:14 (New International Version)
Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers
14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? All the best, Stephen -
The Oracle
Welcome aboard No Lies Please!
I don't check the site as often as I once did, but noticed a post of yours and wanted to hit your welcome thread.
We have very similar backgrounds, so I can related to the process that you have gone through to get to where you are now.
I hope all is well!
Talk to you later.
The Oracle
Welcome !!!
Just remember to put down the toilet seat when you are done.
If you don't, the love bombing here will stop quicker than a judicial committee with a tape recorder running.
Rub a Dub