New Light: Don't hold hands during prayers

by RR 104 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • isaacaustin

    all human reasoning and man-made rules. They never end do they?

  • shadow

    As I recall, Sidlik's wife had her arm around him all the time during prayers.

  • chickpea

    seems to me the GB is straining gnats

    i echo jeff's succinct summation....
    nothing like a little F bomb to settle the matter

  • undercover

    As stupid as this pharisaical counsel is, I like seeing it.

    On another thread, someone posted the page that had a photo of everyone standing stick straight, heads bowed, hands folded in front of them to show everyone how they're supposed to do it. They have to be told...and to conduct yourself duing a prayer. And then told to "stop that touching!"

    I can't help but think that a lot of people are going to have a "what the...???" response.

    Anyone who is even remotely willing to question counsel is going to rebel against this...especially wives. This would piss my wife off. She expected the holding of hands and an embrace during every prayer.

    It's almost enough to make me show up for that study just to watch her reaction and then ignore it when I embrace her during the prayer...almost, but not quite.

  • beksbks
    Anybody wanna go to the WT study with me and make out during the prayer?

    I'm game Dinah

  • dinah

    WoooHooo Beks! Now THAT would make them call us to the back room for sure!

  • dissed

    It always has something to do with these evil women. Evil I tells ya!

  • beksbks
  • babygirl75

    What if Beks & Dana Made a Babygirl sandmich!!!! hhhmmmmm.....

    *All Elders Pass out*

  • shamus100

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